The Relationship Between The Movies And Real Life Estate Planning

Share: The film, "The Descendants" was selected for Best Picture at the Oscars this weekend
. One thing is for certain, George Clooney, who plays King, a affluent trial attorney, makes you want to learn more about estate planning. The Descendants movie is made up of issues that entail wills and also trusts.
This film will help you have a better comprehension on the good and bad points about estate planning. For example, the end of life care ends up being a problem in the film when King's wife ends up in a comatose state. This is one of the reasons why it is important to have a ''living will'' put in place. This authorized document allows you to state whether you want your life to be synthetically prolonged or whether you want to die naturally. If you do not have a validly executed living will in the state of Florida, you're going to be kept alive artificially irrespective of your wishes or the expenses to your loved ones.
In this movie there are also problems related to joint ownership. King and his cousins are left precious Hawaiian real estate in a Trust which is about to expire. If a trust was to employ land to different people, than there might be a problem to be faced. Were you aware that just one owner might prevent the sale of the home? You shouldn't allow this sort of legal thing to bring down your family. A highly trained South Florida estate planning lawyer will counsel you on more effective strategies in the transfer of real estate.
Other issues that arise are the legal limitations of how long a Trust may last, the special conflicts of long-term Trusts, and the status of trustees. It is said that the movie director had to hire his own legal professional so that he could obtain all the correct details for viewership.
Reality isn't like a motion picture. The problems which could come along with improperly planned estate planning is very real indeed. A very important thing you could do would be to start right now. It is vital to regularly review your estate plan and make appropriate adjustments. If there is something of extreme value that can be taken away from the Oscars, it's the necessity and exigency of estate planning. Gain knowledge from George Clooney. Speak to a South Florida Lawyer right now!
by: bribt0j0ke
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