The Reasons Why Many People Do Not Survive Cancer
When somebody is diagnosed with cancer they tend to abandon all common sense and summit to our orthodox medical treatments because of blind faith
. While our mainstream health care system is superb for some medical problems but when it comes to degenerative diseases like cancer it mostly fails. There is only one way to approach the cancer problem and that is to correct the reasons why it happened.
While everyone is hopeful for a cure to be found, the facts are if somebody wasnt trying to make money out of cancer, we would have a cure tomorrow. True cures for cancer involve correcting the reasons why it appeared but no one can profit from that. All you have to do is to remove the reasons why it grew and that will allow the body to self heal through the immune system. This system is effective when someone breaks a bone or cuts a finger and of course it also works for every type of cancer as well.
The cancer rate has been steadily climbing over the last 100 years and its still increasing and expected to affect 1 in 2.5 people in the western developed world by 2015. Ten years ago world wide there were 6.5 million people dying of cancer each year and in the year thats just past that figure has increased to nearly 8 million people. That represents over twenty thousand people a day world wide that our medical system failed to cure.
The reason why people fear the disease is because everyone knows the treatments often dont work. Until our medical system changes the way they treat the disease those figures arent going to change. The conventional approach to cancer is that it is a genetic problem and the best approach is early detection followed by surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. This approach most of the time has been a dismal failure.
Today we only have a medical care system which is profit driven and not a health care system which cares about peoples wellbeing. Why do you think our drugs are synthetic or artificial? Its because they can then be patented and companies profit from them. That is also the reason why you will almost never be offered ways to overcome a health problem by natural means.
Nature has always had a cure for cancer so all you have to do is to turn to nature to help you with your problem. Cancer is not an isolated problem, it is a reminder telling you that something is wrong with the entire body so its time to make some important changes. Cancer will arise in the body when the bodys immune system has been weakened and allowed cells to divide without control and you certainly cant fix that with a pill.
Cancer is only a modern day problem and its caused by the way we are now living. Also we are not being taught what we can do to help ourselves. We are kept ignorant about its many causes so we are forced to rely on the so called experts for treatment.
We dont have an effective health care system for someone with cancer and our three ways of treating it seldom solves the problem.
by: Alan-nz
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