The Purpose Of Workers Compensation Is Relief For Injured Workers
Share: It is generally known that if a person is injured while on the job
, his employer is responsible for his injuries. But do you know all you need to know about workman's compensation? What is the purpose of workers compensation insurance and how can it help me if I sustain an injury while I am at work? These are some of the questions we will attempt to answer as we take a closer look at this insurance and it's benefits to both employee and employer.
Hopefully, you will never be hurt on the job or develop any work related illnesses. But if you did, you would welcome the fact that worker's compensation insurance was there to support you and your family in your time of need. It's purpose is to pay for any medical bills that the injured person incurred during their recovery, and to provide partial wages from their not being able to return to work.
But did you know that it also has a benefit to an employer? Worker's compensation insures the employer that he cannot be sued for this injury unless it is proved that the injury was intentional.
It is a legal requirement that almost every employer provide this to their workers. Only a few federal entities are excluded from this and they have their own provisions in place for these circumstances.
Share: If you are hurt at work, worker's compensation will pay for all of your medical needs, including doctor visits, any medicine he prescribes that is related to you injury and all surgical and therapeutic expenses that are also as a result of your injury. If you cannot return to work right away it will pay you a portion of your wages, but should you die as a result of the injury, your spouse or survivors will be paid death benefits. You may need physical therapy, or stress related therapy to get you back in shape. These would be covered by worker's compensation. The goal is to restore your health and let you get back to work as quickly as possible.
Sometime the injury is not a result of a sudden accident but because of an exposure to something toxic, or a movement that is done over and over. These would be a work related illness and are also protected by this required insurance. Carpal tunnel syndrome may occur from a repetitive motion, or cancer or lung disease from exposure to a chemical.
Should the time come when you would need to use this insurance, your first step will be to contact your immediate supervisor and inform him or her of your injury or illness. He will give you an injury report to fill out and instruct you as to what to do next. There will be information to be provided to your doctor and health care givers. You may choose to retain an attorney, and this is your right. Your attorney will give you advice and direction and will appear at any court proceedings that may come from your injury claim.
The purpose of workers compensation insurance is to provide protection for you and your dependents if you become hurt or ill due to something that happens at work. It can give both you and your employer peace of mind knowing that you will both be protected should an injury occur.
by: Gary Smith.
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