The Natural Wonders Of Oludeniz Holidays by:Maria Reilly

Share: The region of Fethiye with its very famous coast line
, the Turquoise Coast and Olu Deniz in particular has by now acquired almost legendary status as the best beach in Turkey. In fact several years back it was voted to be in the top five beaches in the world, been a bit dismissive when I heard this bit of trivia I decided to visit this top five beach in the world destination and put it to the test, my test of course. I have travelled extensively and I am not easily swayed by resorts and beaches unless they are truly heartstoppingly beautiful the kind that actually take your breath away beautiful and I was curious to see what this little Turkish upstart of a place considered to be a top five beach. I distinctly remember the taxi ride from Dalaman airport up to Fethiye City been a bit grey and boring evoking the same charm less city feel that certain parts of Greece have too and frankly I have never quite understood this paradox, glorious beach resorts yuk cities, but to move on as I digress here, on I went up to Fethiye City to complete my final part of the taxi journey. As you leave Fethiye behind you start to ascend towards Hisaronu, a fairly generic Brit resort situated on a plateaux behind Olu Deniz and slightly above sea level and therefore cooler, but as you move through Hisaronu your right side is completely blocked by elevated land and therefore you don't get a glimpse of the valley below, thus adding to the allure of Olu Deniz; you see nothing until you hit that right turn at the small T section at the end of Hisaronu and its only then you get the instant assault of a beauty so astonishing that I can honestly say my heart missed a beat or even two. The almost theatrical grand opening of Olu Deniz as you descend down to the valley below with its unblemished slash of turquoise your eye cannot help devouring the horizon before it as you simply cannot see where the sea and the sky meet nor care to be frank.
I distinctly remembering the very loud 'Wow' that escaped me, I must admit I was instantly smitten! There are plenty of beaches on our little planet that have the 'wow factor', but Olu Deniz IS special; barring the obvious natural beauty of Olu Deniz the other things that make it practically perfect is the lack of gargantuan Hotels that unfortunately mar so many great holiday destinations, all the hotels in Olu Deniz centre are fairly smallish in comparison with other parts of Turkey and with its uniquely white architecture the joy in the knowledge that no real development in new hotels has been allowed in the last twelve years makes Olu Deniz truly unique. I have always felt that overdevelopment in certain resorts can have the opposite affect of what was intended, too much of one thing in the same area doesn't make it special anymore, and it is a testament to the local tourism office of the region that Olu Deniz has been jealously guarded from the greed of developers that would spoil the fragility of this truly wonderful resort. Of course only time will tell if they will keep their word and continue to allow Hisaronu and Ovacik to be developed as satellite resorts to Olu Deniz whilst leaving it as unspoilt as a twenty first century resort can get. Let's also remember, Olu Deniz was one the very fist resorts in the Med to adopt an Eco Tourism approach, part of the now very famous Blue Lagoon is completely blocked off from tourists and locals to allow the Caretta Caretta Turtles to nest their very precious eggs in the sand and to watch them hatch and repopulate the Mediterranean waters of both Turkey and Greece as they were almost extinct due to over fishing and getting trapped in the new fishing nets. Thankfully the fishing region is re-adopting the old fishing ways so the waters can be replenished.
My personal suggestion would be, depending in what season you want to go, plan it carefully. Olu Deniz itself does not have that many beds to accommodate the amount of people going there so if you are leaving it late to book you may have to settle for the satellite resorts of Olu Deniz, Hisaronu and Ovacik and failing that, Calis Beach a long held local little secret completely undiscovered and un-promoted by the big three operators, which is of course another blessing in disguise. Nearby attractions include the now deserted bougainvillea rich Greek ghost town which had to be deserted by the Greeks in 1917 when The Ottoman Empire fell and all the Asia Minor Greeks where expelled . It's hard to explain what to feel when you are there; I think it's a very personal experience and it should be experienced without the need to be told what to feel by any writer. Also butterfly valley has a wonderfully magical quality, I had never seen dragon flies so colourful or butterflies so exquisite and I am not the type to be swayed by such things, I love my PC all the comforts that modern city life affords me, but I can honestly say if I could choose a Dessert Island to escape to I would choose Olu Deniz, making sure of course it was all mine and I did not have to share it with anyone.
About the author
Maria is a travel writer and destination consultant for For all your cheap holiday needs visit
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