The Life and Death of James Renwick (1806) by Alexander Shields

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"The Life and Death of that Eminently Pious, Free, and Faithful Minister and Martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr. James Renwick: With a Vindication of the Heads of His Dying Testimony" (1806, second edition)
"Let all who desire to be truly informed of the beginning, rise, height, and length of the tyranny of that 28 years' persecution read the sufferings and grievances of Presbyterians, especially those of them nick-named Cameronians, written by the famous Mr. Shields" (James Walker, "Biographia Presbyteriana," Vol. 1, p. 123).

Share: "The Life and Death of that Eminently Pious, Free, and Faithful Minister and Martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr. James Renwick," by Alexander Shields, contains "an account of Renwick's examinations and imprisonments at London; his being sent down to Scotland; his examinations before the privy council, justiciary, Lords of the Articles, etc.; his disputations with the Bishops and others: with large and pertinent observations and reflections upon all the material passages of these trials, examination and disputations. Together with a large and elaborate defence of the doctrine of resistance, or defensive arms, of the Apologetical Declaration and other heads of suffering; as likewise a clear and full confutation of the oath of Abjuration" (Johnston, "Treasury of the Scottish Covenant," p. 372).
This edition also contains "The Manner of Admission, or Ordaining of Ruling Elders" by James Renwick and a "few of his many religious letters." Alexander Shields was Renwick's "colleague and companion in tribulation, who had access to know what he relates, either from his own mouth, whose life he writes, or others of undoubted credit, and was eye and ear witness to much thereof, being in the same circumstances, displaying the same banner of the gospel, and bearing witness to the same truths and testimony of Jesus, which the other sealed with his dearest blood" ("Epistle to the Reader of The Life and Death of that Eminently Pious, Free, and Faithful Minister and Martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr. James Renwick," p. 3).
234 pages.
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The Life and Death of James Renwick (1806) by Alexander Shields
By: Still Waters
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