The King Baby - The Kingdom of Fairy Tales

Share: The King Baby - The Kingdom of Fairy Tales
There once was a kingdom that had a child as king, the king re-bambinoil child ruled with fairness and justice.
The boy king was very fond of playing and took up most of his time having fun with other children of the court.
Consumed, so much energy, and when it was time to eat, devoured in less than no time at all, but there were two things that ended up never eat the fruit and vegetables, not because he liked, but because it was filled with so much to all the goodies that were served when it was time dell'insalatainsalata fruttafrutta or just could not eat them!

Share: The child re-ended, so, to believe that fruits and vegetables were absolutely useless so that even the limited production. Soon, however, the cultivation of these products was also tired of the few who still care for them and, thus, the fields were increasingly left on their stessicampi; until all'incuria men were joined by the vagaries of weather and Time: pioggiapioggiae grandinegrandinedistrussero the little that still remained in the harvest.
The damage was not immediately informed either by the king or his subjects, but soon spread among the population a certain malaise that seemed to strike the king: everyone was affected, as they rest and feed, by a strange fatigue and debolezzastanchezza and the same child-king lost all desire to gamble and stay with friends and spent their days bored and dozing.
Not even the wise men of court could explain why this happened.
But one day, while the re-bambinore bambinocercava to think about what to do, something extraordinary happened: a sudden flash caught him by surprise and wonderful a being appeared before my eyes, it was a strange creaturacreatura dressed and adorned with flowers and plants Fruit and vegetables: the Spirit himself as the protector of crops. Moved by compassion he had decided to bail them out and had come there to reveal the reason for such malaise among the population, the lack of fruit and vegetables was depriving people of substances such as minerals and vitamins that give energy and renew youthfulness of body and mind.
The Spirit, then, made an offer to the king undertook to provide the kingdom fruit and vegetables of all kinds in abundance, in exchange for the king and his subjects to grow from now on, with love and dedication the earth. The love that they put in the care of campicura campisarebbe certainly been returned from the land with crops and rich enough to maintain themselves and to other realms.

Share: The king, for the love of his subjects, and no less eager to resume his games, he decided to willingly accept the agreement. The promises were kept and from the day after the crops were of an extraordinary richness, the king's subjects soon began to deal with dedication to the cultivation of the fields and on the boards of each fruit and reappeared verdurafrutta verduradi and every species, even the king began to eat and discovered with astonishment the sweetness of fruit and flavor of vegetables.
Soon the discomfort was originally charged with only a vague memory and found themselves all their energy.
The king, in memory of these events, decided to call the capital of the kingdom Fruttilandia.
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