The Importance of Repairing Your Credit Report
.Yourself! by:Kimberly Kellish

Share: It seems to be common knowledge today that we are living in a society overwhelmed with debt
. Credit card balances are hitting all time highs and in return, people are running into more and more problems with their credit ratings. These circumstances have led to decreased credit scores which lead to increased fees for credit cards, auto insurance, and can even affect you getting a job!
A recent study has shown that nearly 70% of credit reports carry some type of error on them. 70%! Statistics like this is one factor which has resulted in the government allowing Americans the ability to receive a free credit report every year. Americans need to become more aware of what is reported on their credit reports to help decrease these errors.
One business that has begun to flood the web is "Credit Repair Companies". There are several different websites, many of them claiming to be law firms, which will charge you numerous fees to clean your credit report for you. Typical tactics used by these credit repair companies are bombarding collection agencies with letters, asking them to remove your negative items. What consumers need to know is that these tactics, which give the credit repair company's the nickname "Dispute mills", are not effective in removing negative items! Typically it does nothing more then raise red flags at the collection agency's and can even make it nearly impossible in the future for you to try to re-dispute an item on your own. Collection Agency's will see these as what it is, a mass mailing to get negative items removed, and take it as ungrounded reasons to have items removed.
Their tactics and fees are on thing to consider but one previously unmentioned thought may be even more important, identity theft! Identity theft is one of the highest crimes in the country today. When you hire a credit repair company on the internet you may know nothing more about the company then its website address. There first step will be to charge you all kinds of fees, secondly they will want a copy of your credit report so that they can fix your negative items or errors. Now if this is a legitimate law firm or credit repair company, there may be nothing to fear, but what if their not? You just gave someone access to all your personal information including not only your credit card numbers, loan numbers, but your social security number, address and everything that legally makes youYOU!
For those few reasons you need to understand that you do not need to hire anyone to fix your credit report. You can accomplish the same thins even the best credit repair company can accomplish, by doing it yourself! The people at help you to learn how you can fix your credit effectively, legally and simply. They provide you with a simple step-by-step calendar to follow, sample letters to send to collection companies or creditors, and maybe even more importantly, empower the consumer by informing them of their legal rights when it comes to credit repair.
We shouldn't become overwhelmed by the process or frustrated by the creditors games. Become informed, learn your rights and regain your credit freedom!
About the author
Kimberly Kellish has spent years involved in different finacial businesses and has turned her knowledge into a new campaign to help empower the consumer by educating them in different financial issues.
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The Importance of Repairing Your Credit Report
.Yourself! by:Kimberly Kellish New York City