The Four Best Ways To Reduce Cancer Risk
With new medical advances and treatment possibilities
, many types of cancer have become manageable. Making healthy living lifestyle changes, such a healthy diet and avoiding proven carcinogenic risks can also greatly reduce your risk of cancer.
Here are the four best tips that will help you to reduce your cancer risk.
Cancer Risk No. 1 Tobacco. Tobacco in all forms cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco and snuff is a killer. Tobacco is linked not just to lung cancer, but to at least fifteen different forms of cancer. Even secondhand smoke causes cancer. Thousands of people, including children, suffer from asthma, pneumonia, ear infections and sudden infant death syndrome as a result of secondhand smoke.
So, if you're still smoking or using any kind of tobacco, the smart thing to do is to stop right now.
Cancer Risk No. 2 Excess Weight and Obesity. Are you aware that being overweight is linked to pancreatic and breast cancer, as well more than a dozen other cancers?
To reduce your risk of cancer, health experts strongly suggest everyone control their weight by eating a low fat/high fiber diet. Increase your intake of whole grain breads and cereals and limit your intake of processed and red meats. Be sure to eat at least five to nine daily servings of fruits, vegetables. Alcohol intake should also be limited. Women should have no more than one drink a day. Men should have no more than two drinks.
Cancer Risk No. 3 Lack of Exercise. Exercise is just as important as diet in order to maintain a healthy weight and a reduced risk of cancer. Your exercise program doesn't need to be a big deal. Taking a brisk walk around the park will be enough, as long as you do it for at least a half hour four to five days a week. Children should exercise for at least an hour five days a week.
Cancer Risk No. 4 Sun Exposure. Exposure to the sun is responsible for nearly a million cases of skin cancer each year in the U.S. Melanoma, which is the most serious skin cancer, can be deadly. To best protect yourself, limit the time you spend in direct sun between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. And definitely use an effective sunscreen and wear long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat if you're going to be in the sun for any length of time. It's also wise to avoid using sun lamps and tanning beds. They can be just as harmful as exposure to direct sun.
By following these four healthy living suggestions you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim of cancer.
Takesalesby: canhdong
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