The Effects Of Car Insurance Quotes
Share: When a driver is in need of a fresh car insurance plan
, either because it is renewal time or he or she just wants to shop prices, the ability to go online and look up quotes from several major companies comes in real handy. This useful tool allows the potential customer to shop around for prices without the need to commit to any one plan, enabling them to make the decision when they are ready. It also ensures the continuation of competitive rates as companies fight each other for buyers.
Since the big car insurance companies today control the market in much the same way they have for decades, by being familiar brand names with big advertising campaigns, it is useful for the smaller companies to invent ways to pull the public's attention to them by offering free quotes, or buying incentives or other promotional bonuses.
Within the last decade, the insurance company Progressive surprised everyone by offering an online tool that allowed one to see the quotes of their leading competitors alongside theirs. This strategy was superbly effective, and many people went with them even if they were not the best out of sheer respect for their honest approach.
As the success of the online free rate quote was heard, the practice spread like wildfire. Now every respectable insurance company has online insurance quotes, the ones who do not simply miss out on a huge chunk of business.
Share: What most of these car insurance companies have no doubt discovered, once the general public experiences the benefits of a commodity, nothing is the same again. We only wish to have it and nothing else, and we refuse to let go of it until some other bright, shiny object comes along.
Yes, it seems that most of us feel that to endure the nightmare of having to live in a past time', before the time of refrigerators and running water for instance, would be utterly unbearable. Though as we move further towards this unknown destination fueled by our enlightenment through technology, all that can be safely agreed upon is that we are moving further away from the world around us.
It is as if we cannot bear the thought of how it used to be', so we block that urge from our reason. It can be said that it is an optimistic outlook, and I will not disagree. Neither will the insurance companies; in fact they thrive on the changes of our world, despite staying more or less the same.
Car insurance companies feel around the same way about change, in fact they thrive on it as well. Despite their consistent tendency to act the part of France during the Revolutionary war and move on something only after the initial storm is over, they all still had the brains to realize that the people, their customers, are in control. They survive and make their way in our commerce, and respect is due there I suppose.
by: ashtoncastler
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