The Checkerboard Coaching Technique SM for NFL Running backs

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The Checkerboard Coaching Technique (sm) for NFL Running Backs
The CCT (Checkerboard Coaching Technique sm) has taken 32 years to develop and will take this short article to explain how to apply it to running backs in the NFL. It will optimize the performance of any running back that applies it.
We all know what a checkerboard is. To start take the imaginary board you have and fill each space with the portion of your game you want to improve or analyze. After your board is filled with as many spaces as you care to fill, chose the 20 percent of those items that are the most critical to your performance and place them in sequence from most important to least. Now take the most important or first on the list and ask yourself what is the most effective 20 percent aspect of your performance. Understand that area and expand it. Expand the opportunity to use it next in the game as you now recognize what it is.
I have one real life practical application from one of the NFL's greatest running backs. This player who's name shall not be mentioned came to the NFL as a number one draft pick. When he arrived at his first practice with the team he noticed a guy that looked like he spent the summer at the end of a bar drinking draft beer in a uniform. A big gut and a sloppy look about him made this number one pick say to himself what is he doing here. I thought this team wanted to be a contender. Then the number one pick discovered this out of shape player was a running back. Like anyone that is number one, he went back to the stats book and looked up his stats in college. The guy had gained over 1000 yards in one season in college. An NFL team thought enough of his skill to draft him. He was slow of foot and overweight and he had not attended a big ten school, but still the yards gained were impressive. Here is what the number one draft pick did and said about the experience years later.
He said to himself I am going to sit on my helmet and watch this guy run in practice until I understand how he could possibly have gained all those yards. He checker boarded (SM)(my term for the use in this article and as a way to help explain the technique of methodical analysis) him going through ever aspect of his game and found the one move that gained that player all those yards. The player that had the move never made the team but the # 1 pick that checker boarded (SM) him incorporated it into his game and became the first running back to gain over 2000 yards. The number one pick after retirement said that single move was responsible for him exceeding 2000 years, and had he had it in college his amazing records would be been doubled. By now if your a running back and reading this, or a sports fan you are wondering what was the move? What was the one move that did all of this for his game. The answer is the Dead Leg. For those that are not aware of what the Dead Leg is a brief explanation is in order. It is when you appear to have all your weight evenly distributed on both legs as you stand in front of an player attempted to tackle you, but instead you have all your weight on one leg and give them the Dead Leg to tackle. They go for it, and you take it away from them and they tackle air and your down the field. The applications of the Checkerboard Coaching Technique SM for every running back in the NFL are limited only by his imagination.
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