The Causes Of Skin Cancer
What is skin cancer? It's a disease
What is skin cancer? It's a disease. Both humans and animals have been diagnosed with this disease, although, it is not something that someone can catch from someone else. Basically, this condition occurs when the skin cells no longer have the ability to divide and grow normally. Those without this condition have cells that normally divide in order to replace dead skin cells. When the abnormal cells get out of control, they can end up forming a tumor on the skin.
While there are possibly many causes of skin cancer, the number one cause would be ultraviolet radiation from sun exposure. Radiation has a negative connotation as some massive leftovers of a nuclear bomb. While it is true that radiation does result from the explosions of nuclear bombs, the sun's own energy is a source of radiation as well. These ultraviolet rays, also known as UV, actually have the ability to damage a person's DNA. When the DNA or genes have been damaged, they can take over the overall health of the skin cells and at that point it is only a matter of time.
It is important to understand that there are actually two forms of ultraviolet radiation from the sun: UVA and UVB. In the past, it was a general consensus that the UVB rays were the main cause of cancer. In recent studies, though, they have detected that UVA might also be involved. Some people feel that they are completely protected from these ultraviolet radiation rays in the sun when they wear sunscreen. It is important to realize that not all sunscreen is created equal. Some forms only protect against UVB rays. Others focus more on UVA. It's imperative, though, to invest in sunscreen that provides explicit protection from both UVA and UVB rays. But if you have this condition, there are alternative treatments, such as cream.
The two forms of ultraviolet radiation from the sun are the two main causes for skin cancer. While they are the main causes, they are not necessarily the only causes. It is also thought that the condition may be hereditary. This means that if one or both parents have it, children of these parents are more likely to get it than other people who do not have a history of skin cancer in their family.
by: Art Gib
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