The Best Travel Tips For Bogota, Colombia

Share: Are you planning to vacation in Bogota, Colombia
? If so, you will want to plan your trip early to get the best rates on flights and car rentals. If you had planned to rent a hotel room, why not make the stay more comfortable for yourself by booking a vacation apartment in the city? You and everyone with you will be more comfortable with private entrances, beautiful views, and more privacy during your stay.
Bogota is the capital of Colombia and was called Santa Fe de Bogota until 2000. It is a huge city with more than seven million inhabitants, and is therefore, the largest city in Colombia. Bogota is an old city having been settled in 1538, and as such, it offers a distinctive architecture throughout the city.
Moreover, because the city is so large you will find many indoor and outdoor activities such as biking tours and museums.
Things to Do: The terrain of the area around Bogota, Colombia, makes for some of the best land adventures anywhere in the world. Moreover, you will find hiking and biking trails along a beautiful terrain. You will also find some of the best old world charm such as the Old City Tour in a carriage, which can be a very romantic tour.

Share: You will enjoy the beautiful scenery from the walking trails to the lovely mild weather. Truly, Bogota, Colombia is somewhere to enjoy the outdoors because of the many activities and beauty that abounds in the city.
Dining: You will find several different eateries and cuisine in Bogota, Colombia such as soup made with chicken, potatoes, corn, avocados called ajiaco and is a traditional soup that many people eat often. Moreover, you will find seafood and even barbecue meats that are cooked right on the open streets.
You will find many tropical fruits in the region that are yummy anytime. When you are in Bogota, be sure and sample many of the various cuisine, you may be surprised at how much you love the variety that is served.
Best Time to Visit: If you are planning your trip to Bogota, Colombia, you should go around mid to late January through March or July to mid August. The winters do tend to be mild, but it can be a bit chilly for some, though you will not have to worry about snow; although it can hail fairly hard at different times of the year.
Therefore, the January to March are perfect because it allows you to enjoy the outdoor adventures and various activities.
Final Thoughts: You will find that the people of Bogota, Colombia are very laid back and therefore, you can relax and truly enjoy your time in this scenic city. It is best if you book your vacation apartment as far in advance as possible because more people are learning of the many benefits of renting an apartment over a hotel room, that way you get the best prices and the best picks.
by: Gaizka Pujana
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