The Best, Most Simple Way To Make Money Online Ethically, Consistently, Month After Month

Share: I'm often asked what is the best way to make money online
, what is the fastest way to make money online, and what is the easiest way to make money online.
Personally, I prefer the 'Listbuilding & Information Publishing' business model, because I love researching and sharing new information that I'm excited about.
Also, I like the idea of having a mailing list of people that you take care of and that you build a relationship with, and that do business with you year after year.
Talking about building a list, a few months ago I had the visit of my clients Ryan and 'Tiz', in Cyprus.
Ryan built a list of 2,000 subscribers in the 'dating advice' niche, started making $2,000 a month promoting affiliate offers to them, and he quit his job.
His list has grown to 13,000 subscribers.
He's now making $10,000 every month, working just 2 hours a day.
Tiz did the same thing, but in the 'Forex' market.
He started in January 2011. He did everything he could to build a list of 1,000 subscribers, then grew that with free adswaps (JVs) to 8,000 subscribers (by May), and started making $8,000 - $11,000 a month (last June-July).
By December his list reached 25,000 subscribers and he made $25,000 that month. He kept growing his list:
"Hi Mark, I went to my very first IM seminar exactly a year ago and it was one of yours. Now I'm making more than a full time income in IMthanks to you!! THANK YOU.
It's been mostly through building a list (I have 25,000 subscribers now) and promoting affiliate products in the forex niche.
Getting some good side-revenue through selling banner space on my site, but that wasn't the original plan. I made $8,000 in June, $11,000 in July, and it's kept growing where now I've made $25,000 in December! It's crazy how fast numbers can grow with an Internet business!!
I get my traffic from media buying, SEO, article marketing, solo ads but to be fair 90% of it came from JVs and adswaps.
2011 has been a complete blast for me and this was in great part thanks to your teachings and the inspirations of our conversationsand 2012 will be even better! As I read your message I am sitting by an idyllic beach in Koh Pangan, Thailand home to the world's most breathtaking beach, running a $30k a month business not even from a laptopfrom a flimsy netbook!
I'm building more and more agreements with forex companies and have even been purchasing businesses with mailing lists
And none of this would have been possible without your help and inspiration.
I now have 2 outsourcers working for me part time from the Philippines and Pakistanstill very much centered around email marketing but even than is largely systemized and outstourced."
Ryan and Tiz told me that people often come up to them at seminars, and ask them: "So tell me, what do you do now to build your list?" They tell them:
a) We create a free report (content)
b) We give it away from our optin page
c) We drive traffic to our optin page thanks to articles, JVs, solo ads.
d) Then we email our list every day.
Then at the next seminar a few months later, the same people come up to them again, and ask them again 'So, tell me, what are you doing now to build your list?'
Ryan said, "I tell them, exactly the same thing I told them 6 months ago! It's like they're expecting that there is something new now, something that will make it even easier. They don't want to do the fundamentals. They're always looking for the next new shiny thing. They're lazy, and they're greedy. They don't want to do the work."
The BEST, most simple way to make money online ethically, consistently, month after month:
1) Choose a target market (a group of people with a common set of problems)
2) Build a list of people
3) Promote relevant and valuable products and offers to that list.
by: Mark Anastasi
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The Best, Most Simple Way To Make Money Online Ethically, Consistently, Month After Month