The Best Bar In Sydney, Australia - Zeta Bar - Review

Share: Back before The Ivy came along, Zeta Bar at the Hilton Hotel was the frontier for
style and class when it came to cocktails at the end of the working week...and unlike The Ivy, Zeta has kept the trashy crowd out and is left with an elegant venue for an indulgent drink any night of the week.
Out of all the bars in Sydney, I have to say that this is the one to go to if you want to feel like a million dollars. Because it is a part of the Hilton Hotel, exceptional service is built in to the name and will be the first thing you notice when you walk through the doors. The concierge will always be friendly and helpful, and the doormen give a polite greeting to every person that walks in. When you hit the actual bar, expect everyone to be attentive and onto it with everything you need. Cocktails are whipped up in a frenzy and served to perfection, and your empty glasses are cleaned up in an instant. Both times I have been to Zeta, I have been so pleasantly surprised with the staff (and their ability to do their job well) and they always make popping around to the Hilton worth it.
Zeta Bar oozes sophistication from the moment you walk through the doors. Wooden coziness dominates in most areas (with purple and red tinges throughout), while the bar is the height of chic with its wooden counters. I have to say that whoever designed Zeta designed it right: the entire place feels like the pinnacle of fine drinking (which is kind of like fine dining, but way more enjoyable). The bar offers a huge expanse of alcohol, and the liquor is stocked so beautifully that you almost feel bad drinking it...that is, until you taste the cocktails. Zeta's cocktails are - if for no other reason - the one thing that every Sydneysider and tourist should try.
From signature drinks to the forgotten classics, Zeta has it all. Mixologist Grant Collins is not afraid to throw ingredients into a mix just to see how it comes out - and trust me, more often than not it comes out great. While the cocktails will set your wallet back a few $20s, it's most definitely worth it to try these infusions of flavours: just glancing at the menu can show any patron that Zeta is passionate about their cocktails and not afraid to get creative. My favourites are always in the Forgotten Cocktails section: a nod up to the old school drinks that hardly anyone gets to try anymore. These are definitely worth a shot if you are looking for something classy and timeless to treat yourself to.

Share: Naturally, for its location both in the Hilton and on George Street, Zeta Bar attracts a largely corporate crowd 90% of the time. Being a place to catch up for after work drinks and business conversations, Zeta's patrons almost always sport work attire: suits for the men and the latest fashions for the ladies. Turning up in last year's jeans and a jacket will almost guarantee that you feel so incredibly left out that no one will need to refuse you entry: you'll leave based on your own shame from what you're wearing. I almost always opt for heels and dresses when I come here, because at Zeta there's no such thing as overdressed or too fabulous. Music always adds to the atmosphere of class and elegance (as if you didn't get that already from the suits and the cocktails), with softer - often wordless - music being played from every corner.
If you're looking for a different kind of Ivy, or a place to try some new flavours that you haven't had before, then
Zeta Bar is the place for you...and if you have a few drinks too many you can always hit the Hilton for a night in a five star
by: Kelly Teng
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