The Benefits Of Technological Advances In Oral Cancer Screening
Oral cancer screening is an examination of the mouth to detect any symptoms
. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear, cancer may have begun to spread.
With increased technological advances, the dental profession has developed an oral cancer screening device to help early detection. Velscope is the recently developed oral cancer detection device that is used to enhance the visualization of oral abnormalities. Velscope works through the use of a safe blue light, shone into the oral cavity. This allows the dentist to view and help differentiate between normal and abnormal tissue.
The Velscope oral cancer screening device is quick, easy and convenient, allowing treatment to be swift. Velscope is the only adjunctive oral cancer screening system cleared to help clinicians detect, and surgeons remove, precancerous and cancerous lesions that may not be visible under white light examination.
The benefits of direct tissue fluorescence visualization technology, such as Velscope is that it is non-invasive, there are no stains or rinses required and it does not interfere with other care or treatments. As there is no need for mouthwashes, fluorides and paste in a Velscope screening there is no temporary or lasting discoloration.
Oral cancer screening should be implanted into your regular dental hygiene visits, in order to increase the chances of oral cancer detection.
The screening and detection of Oral Cancer is primarily the responsibility of dentists and the dental profession. Your dentist has the skills and tools to ensure that the early signs of cancer and pre-cancerous conditions are identified. It is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle and know the early signs and see your dentist regularly.
by: Dr Monica Crooks
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