Donald Trump recently launched his own network marketing company. Obviously his name recognition will get him a lot of distributors of his product. Sounds great right? The problem is that the average American can't afford a $500 minimum fee to join a network marketing business, not to mention a minimum of $130 every month to stay involved.
There is a company in Austin, Texas that designed a networking company for the average person. People can be involved for $1 per day and have unlimited residual income. It's not designed for the "Fat Cats" to make money off of the average American. It is designed for the average American to achieve the financial freedom for which they've always strived.
Keeping with Austin Tradition, their product is 100% all-natural. They say it is good for the body as well as the soul. The company is SlimZen Tea and their product is a unique form of all natural green tea. The health and weight loss benefits of green tea are no secret to anyone. What is so special about SlimZen is that the entire green tea leaf is ground into a very fine powder. Instead of just running hot water over tea leaves, the green tea powder is mixed with water. This gives 10-15 times the health benefits of traditional green tea.
Combining the exploding weight-loss market with an affordable home business model is proving to be the formula Americans have been looking for. SlimZen Tea distributors enjoy a turnkey business, while spreading health and wealth to their friends and family. Their network is exploding across the nation. Finally a company has come along that works WITH the everyday person. For more information visit their website over at