The African Lion is also known as the King of the Jungle. It was given this name because of its beauty, majesty and pride. Lions are the only cats that live in groups. These groups are known as prides. The pride normally is made up of about fifteen females and their young ones and up to three males. There is normally a dominant male that is stronger and commands the group. This is the one that mates with all the females in the group. The lionesses are all related as they are born and mature in the group. The male cubs once they mature leave the pride in such of a group they can dominate.
A grown up male lion has a beautiful mane that runs from the neck to the upper back. It can either be black or brown in color. Though lions are social animals, two prides can not occupy the same space. The male lion marks off at least 100 square kilometers of land as its domain. No other animal is supposed to intrude. It marks it of with urine, roaring to warn of intruders and fighting those who are daring enough to intrude. When a male lion wants to take over a pride, it fights the dominant male in the group, if it wins; it chases it away and takes over. It then mates with the females to produce its own offspring.
The Females are the ones who do most of the hunting for the group. The females work as a team to bring down an animal as they mostly hunt animals that are bigger and faster than they are. They mostly hunt on wildebeests, gazelles, buffaloes and sometimes smaller animals such as the hares. The lions use wit to corner the desired prey rather than speed or strength. Since they are nocturnal they take advantage of animals such as buffaloes that are diurnal.