Lions also called Panthera Leo are the only cats that live in groups. These groups are known as prides. The pride is a family that is made up of about three males, up to fifteen females and their young ones. There is a dominant male which is stronger and polder than the rest. The other males eventually leave the pride and start their own or take over an existing one. The lionesses are all related. This is because the female cubs stay with the group as they age. You can differentiate a grown up male from the female by the mane. Only the males spot manes. This is a fringe of long hair that runs from the neck to the upper back. In this kingdom, two prides of lions cannot share the same space. A group normally dominates an area close to 100 square miles. The males mark off the area with urine, roaring to warn off strangers and fighting off any intruders. They live in open fields, grasslands and areas with scrubs or open woodlands. The female lions are the ones who hunt for the entire family. Once they make a kill, they invite the rest of the family to feast. They work as a team to make any substantial kill as most of the animals they hunt are either bigger or run faster than them. When a male lion wants to take over a pride, it fights with the dominant male in the group. If it wins, it chases the lion away and takes over the group. It then kills all the young cubs in the pride and mates with the females to produce its own offspring.