The Absolute Best Time of Day For Doctors to "Tweet" and Get "Retweeted"
Share: The Absolute Best Time of Day For Doctors to "Tweet" and Get "Retweeted"
When sending a tweet out into the oblivion, you are actually sending it out only to those who have chosen in return to follow YOU. The benefit of having "Followers" means you are communicating with an audience who finds what you have to say interesting. If they find it really interesting, they will "RT" or "ReTweet" it to their "Followers." And so the cycle can continue on and on. What's the benefit? Maximum exposure for you and if you've done your marketing right, maximum exposure for your brand and a data collection center at your web site!
So, when is the best time to send out a tweet? Should you send it out during the day or night or both? There are plenty of reports and analysis out there as to when the best time to tweet is.. so you might find some of these tips useful when it comes to tweeting at the best possible time.
1. There are a lot of different factors to consider such as time zones, where your Twitter followers are located, target audience, etc. Ideally, you want to send it out at a time that reaches the maximum amount of eyeballs possible.
Share: 2. According to a report by Fast Company in September 2009, the best time to get re-tweeted is at 4:00 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time) on a Friday. Why? Well, according to the Social Media Guide, April 2010, you are hitting three major break times:
a. People arriving at work on the West Coast of America and Canada, ie Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, etc
b. It coincides with lunchtime (12:00 pm EST) on the East Coast of America, ie New York
c. It coincides with the end of the business day in London (5:00 pm GMT)
3. Include Your Web Site Address and if it's too long, shorten it! You must choose your URL shortener carefully: Newer, shorter services, such as,, and, were much likelier to get "ReTweeted" than older, longer services, such as TinyURL.
A free service I'd like every concierge physician and doctor of any specialty to know about is Tweet O'Clock. Tweet O'Clock allows you to personally find out when is the best to tweet your followers. Just enter your Twitter username, select the timezone to display the results in...then click on .
Now Pay Close Attention --
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The Absolute Best Time of Day For Doctors to "Tweet" and Get "Retweeted" Tehran