The Abc's Of Preparation

Share: I feel like I have sat in on way too many lessons about personal preparedness
. At the conclusion of each lecture I always think to myself, "If I don't do everything that instructor just talked about, I'm so dead come the next big emergency." I think this form of negative thinking is not healthy, because it causes us to focus on the things we haven't done to be better prepared in case of a disaster or emergency. It is important that we remain positive and take little but significant steps towards preparedness. One of the most important places to focus on is your own personal vehicle. Getting your car prepared can be a simple process too! It breaks down into three easy steps, the "ABC's," if you will
"A" is for Aid. Keep a first aid kit in your car at all times. You never know where you might be when an accident could happen to you or someone nearby. This aid kit should consist of many of the following items: a first-aid manual, sterile gauze, adhesive tape, various sizes of adhesive bandages, elastic bandage, antiseptic wipes, bars of soap, antibiotic cream (triple-antibiotic ointment), antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide), hydrocortisone cream (1%), acetaminophen and ibuprofen, extra prescription medications (if the family is going on vacation), tweezers, scissors, safety pins, disposable instant cold packs, calamine lotion, alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol, thermometer, plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs), a flashlight and extra batteries. Don't be afraid to add to this list either; the more you put in your first aid kit the better prepared you will be. Honestly, the most difficult part about this process is compiling all these items and storing them in a convenient place in your car. I suggest in a backpack in your trunk.
"B" stands for Blanket. Especially at this time of year, it is important to keep a blanket in your car in case you get stuck in the snow in some distant place and need to stay warm. I have a friend attending a school in Idaho. Last year, on a cold winter night, she and some of her friends drove to a cave and parked the car while they went spelunking. When they came back out and got in the car, the car would not start. Their cell phones didn't have coverage. The driver did have a supply of blankets in the back, however. The five friends all huddled in the backseat while one friend began walking down the canyon until he got reception. For about 8 hours, the friends were left cold, but not freezing in the backseat of the SUV. If they had not had blankets, that experience might have been much more uncomfortable and dangerous.
"C" is for Cash. We would all like a little more cash, right? Well, you especially are going to want to have cash on hand in case of a national or natural disaster. Just imagine it, should an earthquake come and power lines be knocked down and the power go out, is a debit machine going to work. Definitely not! Be prepared! Keep about $50 in a secret place in your car that your teenagers don't need to know about, perhaps in the maintenance book in your dashboard. Kids would never think to look there. Having cash has so many benefits. Whether you need to fill your car up with gas and the power is down or whether you need to barter with someone about buying a necessity during a crisis, having cash on hand can only benefit you. Another important thing to keep in mind about cash is to keep multiple types of bills in your wallet. If you go into a store in need of a staple during an emergency, like a flashlight, and all you have is a $50 bill and the cashier can't open her register, you may need to end up paying $50 for that flashlight. A better idea would be to keep one $20 bill, one $10 bill, three $5 bills, and five $1 bills. This way you are prepared to pay for small or large purchases.

Share: As you can see, keeping your car prepared for an emergency can be done in three easy steps. Yes, the first step requires a little more time commitment and money upfront, but in the end you will be grateful you took the proper steps now to make preparations for the future. And those you will be able to help, whether it be family members, friends, or strangers, will be ever so thankful as well.
by: C S Lewis
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