The Abcs Of Flossing For Your Teeth

Share: Most people know about the importance of brushing their teeth daily
. Besides, their dentist reminds them to do just that whenever they visit.
And most people are honorable to this recommendation. Most people brush their teeth at least once or twice a day.
Usually, they do it once when they get up in the morning and once before they go to bed. Others might do it even more often to make their mouth even fresher.
They could go to the point where they clean their mouth before and after every meal in addition to their normal morning and evening times. No matter how many times you do it, it is a great idea to keep your mouth healthy and fresh.
Not to mention that it can prevent bad things like cavities, gingivitis, or bad breath from plaguing where you breathe in and out. Brushing your teeth is just an all around great thing!
But there is another cleaning method for your mouth that many people forget or try to forget; and it's not like your dentist doesn't remind you to do it every time you come in for a visit.
It's flossing. You know that you have been to the dentist at least more than once and confessed to them that you haven't flossed in over 6 months!
Many people believe that flossing just isn't as important as brushing. Besides, while brushing covers 95% of the area of the teeth, flossing just gets in the tiny spaces between your molars.
It wouldn't really matter to your overall oral health if you just stopped doing it, right? Wrong. Flossing is as important as brushing.
This is true for so many reasons. First, flossing does as much for preventing nasty problems such as cavities and bad breath as the other method does.
You could do all the brushing in the entire world and you still might get a cavity or suffer some bad breath. If you flossed, it could put you over the top and it could easily solve many of these problems.
So now that you've heard all of the benefits, are you ready to start flossing and stop making excuses? Good, let's get started!
For those who may not have done it for a while, here are some tips to help you know how to floss properly. You might have to practice it over a couple days to really get the hang of it.
The first thing you need is to purchase a good box of floss! There are many different kinds out there, but you need to choose one that is comfortable when it is put it in your mouth and is not cheaply made.
Sometimes your dentist will give you a complimentary box of it for free when you visit, but that doesn't mean that you can't go to the store and get a different kind. It is really up to you.
Once you have received some, it's time to start! Start by grabbing about 12 to 18 inches of floss out of the container.
You should then grab it with both hands until you have about a couple of inches of line in between your two hands. Make sure it will be enough to fit inside your mouth comfortably.
Once you have done that, you can start pushing the line up in between all of your teeth. Make sure to push it as far as it can go so you can get the most food and plaque out of there as possible.
For those who haven't done this in a while, your gums may start to bleed, but this shouldn't alarm you at all. This is a purely normal thing, and once you do it more often, it will gradually stop.
Once you have gone as far as you can go, you should flip the line up vertically and stroke up and down 8 to 10 times. This will ensure that you get all of the nasty stuff out of there.
Repeat these steps to all of your teeth, making sure you get between every set. The back of your mouth might be difficult to get to, but this area is just as important as the front, so do your best to get back there!
by: Ignacio Lopez
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