Teleteria founder Jay Servidio Discusses the Future of Working Online

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Arecent survey of500 Internet and tech experts and social analysts, agree Internet users will "live mostly in the cloud" by 2020.
These experts,including me Jay Servidio, predict we'll be working primarily through web-based and mobile apps, such as Facebook and Google Docs, and less on software installed on our own desktops. Which means that by2020, most people won't do their work with software running on a general-purpose PC. Instead, they will work in Internet-based applications such as Google Docs, and in applications run from smartphones. Aspiring application developers will develop for smartphone vendors and companies that provide Internet-based applications, because most innovative work will be done in that domain, instead of designing applications that run on a PC operating system. It can be said that Bill Gates changed the world and that is quite true. However, the world is about to change again and Microsoft will not be in the mix.
The advantages of instant access to information regardless of device are endless as our the possibilities.
How does this relate to the subject of marketing porn sites? Good question since thats what were here for. To market to the adult internet community and make piles of cash to pay enormous bills and stockpile our favorite toys. Dont forget retirement and the kids college fund. Its a great country but if you struggle financially you will find it difficult to exploit the freedom. I digress.
The main takeaway from this peice is you better get schooled on the future of the web and how were going tomarket. You need to become an expert on Twitter as its business model will assist you right now today in online marketing. You need to start to develop a list of followers and provide for them intelligent and timely pieces of infomation about you, your site, or your business. Something other then what you had for breakfast, unless you have developed a major following most people will not care about your morning food cunsumption. However, after you have an impressive following they will want to know all the sordid details of your day to day life as they will use it to escape the boredom of their own lives.
At Teleteria we pride ourselves on looking to the future especially when the future comes at you like Jon Voight and Eric Roberts in Runaway Train. This is another great movie you never heard of. The future is a very dangerous place if you are unaware of it.
Read the tech news daily to see the latest trends. Get to know the internet as not just a place to look at porn. Read and consume as much info daily as possible and eventually you will find yourself understanding it all much better. There are tons of seminars and conferences available all over the US annually for you to go and meet the experts (God I hate to use that term). To me they are not experts, they are just a bunch of people who have takenmy advice and read all the latest industry info and are on top of the curve. I guess that makes me the expert? Really? Me? Jay Servidio future of the planet expert. Has a nice ring to it but its too long for a business card.
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Teleteria founder Jay Servidio Discusses the Future of Working Online Ann Arbor