The level of sensitivity from teeth whitening treatments depends on the type of teeth whitening treatment used and how it was used. Professional teeth whitening treatments given at a cosmetic dentist's office will not cause the same level of sensitivity as over the counter teeth whitening kits. In-office teeth whitening treatments cause little to no sensitivity and offer much better results than over the counter treatments.
Why Teeth Become Sensitive After Teeth Whitening
In order to whiten the teeth, the whitening gel needs to penetrate through the enamel of the tooth to the underlying dentin. Teeth enamel is naturally white while dentin can be a yellowish color. The color of the dentin shows through the transparent enamel causing the tooth to look yellow. The dentin needs to be whitened along with the enamel to create a whiter, brighter smile.
Dentin is porous and has very small tubes that act as a passage way from the root of the tooth in the center and the enamel on the outside of the tooth. The whitening gel can seep through these small tubes and interact with the tooth's root. This is what causes tooth sensitivity.
Any sensitivity experienced from whitening your teeth is temporary. Most people notice that the sensitivity fades after twelve to eighteen hours. Teeth whitening patients can use over the counter pain medications like Ibuprofen and over the counter analgesics like Anbesol to help manage the sensitivity until it fades.
In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening
Many cosmetic dentists provide the Sapphire teeth whitening system to their cosmetic dentistry patients to whiten their teeth in the dentistry office. Professional whitening treatments like the Sapphire treatment use a gel with a desensitizing agent. The desensitizing agent helps prevent tooth sensitivity. Over the counter teeth whitening kits usually do not have desensitizing agents or the agents are too weak to work properly.
Sensitivity can occur when the whitening gel comes in contact with the soft tissue in the mouth. Another advantage to the Sapphire teeth whitening treatment is that the gel is applied to each tooth so the gel does not come in contact with the gums or other soft tissue in the mouth. Over the counter treatments use trays that hold the whitening gel on the teeth. This can cause the gel to move in the trays and come in contact with the gums leading to sensitivity.