Teeth Whitening Treatments Guarantee Pearlier Pearly Whites
Tooth bleaching isnt really a necessity, but whiter teeth are often linked to better
self-esteem and people should always have to present their best assets forward. Pair this social necessity with accessible treatments like Zoom Whitening, and youll understand the popularity of teeth bleaching options available on the market. Youve probably tried whitening products before and saw the potential for improved results. If youve invested too much on kits and obtained minimal benefits, then you either have stubborn teeth stains or youre not using the kits as prescribed. Ready-to-apply kits have their uses, but you should keep your expectations at bay if you dont want to be disappointed with the results.
Kiosk kits are milder versions of dental trays prescribed at clinics. The whitening agent comes in gel and liquid form, usually applied to free-fitting trays you wear for a couple of hours a day. You can also use whitening toothpaste if you want to remove surface stains and lighten your teeth by a couple of shades. These options hardly make a difference against deep-seated stains, though, which is usually the case if the cause of your problem involves years of cigarette-smoking and coffee-drinking. Some kits resemble prescription trays, with molds and gel combinations you can customize according to the severity of your tooth stains. Your usage also extends for a couple of months, but the effects are gradual and you wont notice the difference.
Prescription trays are more effective because these are specially molded to match the contours of your teeth. Dentists also determine the gel concentration thats potent enough to dissolve stubborn stains. These are often used as maintenance treatments to Zoom Whitening procedures, but sometimes the prescription is enough to produce desirable results. Youll have to schedule a consultation with your dentist so he can take impressions of your teeth and have a custom-fitted tray fabricated at a dental lab.
In-office whitening is the running trend, especially for those who want to achieve whiter teeth without the hassles. The treatment costs in the hundreds of dollars per session, and you can undergo up to four sessions (of fifteen minutes each) to achieve the best results. Professional bleaching uses highly-concentrated agents so youre guaranteed immediate improvement on the first session. The procedure requires skill and a proper clinic, so you can only avail of the service after thorough consultation and preparation. Most patients testify to the effectiveness of the treatment, and the shade guides confirm whiter teeth by up to seven shades.
Some clinics upgrade their professional bleaching procedures, using curing light to enhance the whitening reaction. The same application method is used, but a laser is focused on the gel so the active agent penetrates deep into the enamel pores. The enhancement comes with extra costs, but some maintain the investment is worth it. You can visit zoomwhitening.com.au if you want to know more about your bleaching options. Remember that cosmetic procedures arent covered by dental insurance, though, so youll have to pay for everything out of your own pocket. Youll surely forget the costs once you see before-and-after profiles of your teeths shade.
by: rictaylor
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