In case you are wondering if you would be a good candidate for teeth whitening
, you may want to know more about the procedure that is used when you decide to use the teeth whitening gel. There are different types of stains that may or may not be bleached and lessened due to whitening. Organic stains such as those caused by dark fruits and vegetables seem to be more susceptible to bleach out with the use of the teeth whitening gel. Other organic stains that seem to respond well are those caused by tobacco use and coffee. Aging causes discoloration of the teeth and almost a yellowing or graying of them. This can also respond well to the bleaching. Inorganic staining such as those caused by over use of fluoride or traumas to the teeth, causing the dentin to darken, dont seem to respond so well to the bleaching. The use of tetracycline antibiotics during tooth-formation also causes a discoloration which isnt responsive to the teeth whitening.
The steps to completing the in-office teeth whitening procedure are fairly straightforward and not too complicated. There is a fairly standard routine that is employed to complete this procedure. These steps and the whole process are usually not painful or uncomfortable. Many dental offices allow you to relax and watch a DVD or TV during the procedure, or you can read while you are having it done.
First of all, the dental staff will probably complete a prophylactic cleaning to remove the debris and plaque that has built up on your teeth. The dentist will probably do a dental exam as well to make sure there is no tooth decay or gum disease. Then photos may be taken to show the before color of y our teeth. This provides a benchmark for your whitening procedures in the future. Next, the staff will probably put a cheek retractor into your mouth. This simply pulls back and holds back the sides of your mouth and lips so they dont get in the way of your bleaching and it allows all the teeth that can be seen when you smile to be exposed.
Next, they will paint a liquid rubber resin that hardens onto your gums to make sure they dont get the bleach on them. The teeth whitening gel that has hydrogen peroxide is then applied to the teeth that are showing. This whitening agent will likely be left on for about 15 to 30 minutes. The gel is then washed off and you should see immediate results in your teeth.