Teeth Whitening - Gels VS. Toothpastes
If you've been worried that you aren't making as good of an impression because your teeth are becoming yellowed or stained
. STOP! Why worry? Well, one reason would be that whitening at a dentist could cost anywhere between 400-900$ per visit, and often multiple visits are required...
You could spend a fraction of that on over-the-counter whiteners. Removing those stains and boosting your confidence and appearance by the truckload. But which whitener to use? Here's some information that'll make it much clearer.
There are two broad categories for at home whiteners, gels and toothpastes. Gels roughly include gels, strips and whitening trays, which all use a peroxide based whitener. While toothpastes use an abrasive mix. Each have pros and cons, which are listed here.
Faster than whitening toothpastes.
Whitens below the surface of the teeth.
Can achieve a brighter white than toothpastes.
Possible tooth sensitivity.
Can cause gum irritation.
Easily overdosed if not careful.
Uses an abrasive mix, which removes surface stains.
Does not use a peroxide mix, which is the usual cause of tooth sensitivity.
Can be used without much worry of overdosing. (Don't swallow it all the same.)
Works much slower than gels.
Only removes surface stains from teeth. (Coffee, Dark foods)
So, that will hopefully make your choice of whitener an easier one. Use gels to get a deeper, better whitening, and use toothpastes to polish up a white smile that may be getting a few stains. Also, if you do use a gel, brushing before with a normal toothpaste will go a long ways in making the gel work even better.
Teeth Whitening - Gels VS. Toothpastes
By: Jethro Rayne
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