Taxi Insurance : A Must For Every Driver
Share: If you own anything, you need insurance
If you own anything, you need insurance. Insurance will protect you against any unforeseen events so that you are not out of pocket financially, and you don't lose any time from your busy schedule. Insurance will ensure that if something happens to you, your vehicle, your building or your belongings or those belonging to someone else that repairs and injury costs will come from the insurer's pocket. This will save you valuable time in court, fighting suits for damages. You can easily imagine owning a car that is damaged in an accident.
The time the car is off the road, the costs involved in repairing the damage, and the potential cost if you need to hire a car to get you around in the mean time can be crippling. What if it was your office; a break in over the weekend and the theft of computers could leave you unable to do business until they're replaced and the office is made secure again. How would you work while this is going on? Not only would you not be making any money, you'd be shelling out money to fix all that needs fixing.
Now, extrapolate that to your vehicle being a taxi, and driving it is your livelihood. An accident can be more than crippling; it has the potential to be catastrophic. You can't drive it, as the damages could be major enough to keep it off the road for the time it takes to be repaired. So, there goes your income. You need to pay to have it fixed as taxi insurance was something you decided was an unnecessary cost. Even if the damage is minor, such as a broken light, it could result in anything from potential customers not being comfortable enough to want to ride in your taxi, to being fined by the Police for driving it. The first is, again, less money coming in; the second is more money going out.
If you have an accident while carrying passengers, they and their belongings will be covered by your insurance (provided you have selected the correct policies). Nothing could assuage the guilt you'd feel, even if the accident was not your fault. However, taxi insurance will make certain that any costs incurred as a result of the accident will be covered, and your passengers' injuries will be duly compensated.
Share: The correct insurance will also protect you should your taxi be broken into, or subjected to vandalism such as fire or the like. Even something minor, like damage to the interior of the vehicle whilst carrying a passenger, or as major as a write-off, will be covered. All this means that if something happened to your taxi, you won't be out of pocket because in some instances, the income lost will be repaid while your vehicle is off the road. You won't be subjected to lawsuits from passengers, and you can avoid needing to pay for damages to your taxi in all, taxi insurance is not a burden but a blessing.
by: Neil Anderson
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