Survival Beyond Prostate Cancer Stage 4
A prostate cancer diagnosis of any stage is overwhelming for most men
, and a prostate cancer stage 4 prognosis can be devastating. However, a progressive prostate cancer prognosis is hardly the end of life. Prostate cancer is a disease and form of cancer that health experts are still trying to understand, but health experts have made significant strides in treatment and management of the disease.
Prostate cancer stage 4, the most aggressive form of prostate cancer, refers to cancer that has spread beyond the prostate and throughout the body. Prostate cancer in this stage can spread to the lymph nodes, adjacent organs, distant organs and bones throughout the body. There are several methods of treating prostate cancer stage 4, but most methods of treatment depends on the areas of the body where the cancer has spread.
Prostate cancer that remains relatively localized or only spreads to adjacent lymph-nodes in the pelvis and adjacent organs can be treated with a combined treatment of external radiation therapy and hormone therapy. The hormone therapy works to replace or remove the hormones that prostate cancer depends on for growth. The radiation therapy works to keep the cancer localized.
Prostate cancer that spreads or metastasizes beyond localized organs to more distant organs, such as the lungs or liver, is typically treated with hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is the standard method of treatment for prostate cancer that spreads to distant organs. This method of treatment can prolong the life of a patient with a metastasized prostate cancer stage 4 diagnosis for several years.
Patients with a prostate cancer stage 4 diagnosis whose cancer bones on to spread into their bones must seek treatment for bone complications in addition to cancer treatments. When prostate cancer spreads to the bones, the patient's risk of fractures and hypercalcemia, excess calcium in the blood, increases significantly. For an older prostate cancer sufferer, a fracture or broken bone can be just as threatening.
Treatments for prostate cancer stage 4 bone complications includes radiation therapy and bone loss prevention drugs. Bone loss prevention drugs work to keep the bone as strong as possible, thus reducing the likelihood of fractures. These drugs also work to mitigate the pain that usually accompanies prostate cancer bone complications.
Radiation therapy is also administered to patients with a prostate cancer stage 4 diagnosis that metastasizes to the bone. The radiation therapy is usually administered directly to the affect bones, which works to kill the prostate cancer cells. This slows the progression of bone complications and provides additional pain relief.
There are also things that patients with a prostate cancer stage 4 prognosis can do themselves to aid in their survival. Patients can refrain from activities such as smoking and drinking, and they can also maintain a healthy, vegetable and fruit-based diet and keep their stress levels low. Refraining from harmful activities and keeping a healthy diet and healthy stress levels ensures that patients themselves do not advance the disease beyond its natural course. Combining these tips and medicinal treatments can help patients with a prostate cancer stage 4 diagnosis survive for several years?
by: prostate cancer
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