Summer Travels Without The Stress

Share: A road trip will be a bust if the summer driving is not picture perfect and there are obstacles everywhere
. Wait a second to look at the travel tips below.
Use all season or summer tires and put away the ones for winter. Do not leave without checking the tire pressure remember about one pound of it is typically lost with every passing month. Optimal contact between the tires and the road happens and accidents like tread separation and blowouts are avoided by applying the right amount of tire pressure.
Stay on top of your fluids. A change in car oil might be necessary before departing. Owner manuals are provided by car makers so you have a guide when it comes to recommended oil and more. Pop the hood and inspect the antifreeze coolant mixture in the radiator. A 50 to 50 coolant to water ratio is the ideal for achieving optimized thermal regulation in both summer and wintry weathers.
Gauge the condition of the rest of the car. Hoses and belts need to be checked by a reliable auto mechanic. Check how efficient your current wiper blades are and make the necessary changes if called for. Finally, check the battery and if yours is more than 3 years old, have it tested at a certified automotive repair facility.

Share: Your car should be equipped with an emergency kit. Flares and flashlights plus jumper cables as well as a first aid kit and a mat to cover clothes can be placed in the trunk. You never know when supplies will run out so be sure to pack spare clothing and water plus some non perishable goods and a bunch of tools including pliers and screwdrivers plus other items you deem essential.
Most road trip takers go overboard when it comes to getting ready for traveling. Break the habit and stick with bringing just the important items. What is the use of bringing shampoo when the hotel has some available? Six or seven pairs of shorts is enough for the trip since there are washing machines at your destination place anyway.
If items you brought along keep blocking your vision then you are going to be in trouble so pack smartly. Evening out the load is suggested but for stuff in pickups it would be best to have the heaviest ones located in the middle to minimize problems when unloading.
Road accidents are often caused by people driving while half asleep. You will not feel sleepy during the long hours on the road if you got enough sleep and rest on previous nights A cup of coffee has caffeine to pick you right up but keep in mind that it does not last long. Switch drivers every hour or two if you can and make frequents stop along the way. Expressway fatigue risks are actually reduced thanks to tiny bladders since they force people to stop frequently and use the bathroom.
Most road rage incidents are caused by people who finally lost it after hours and hours of driving and keeping the youngsters entertained and ignoring the exhaustion. Word to the wise keep your cool. Your signals are there for a reason so use them and as for fast drivers just let them zoom along past and avoid tailgating. Highways and freeways would be a lot less dangerous if people just lived in harmony. If you keep these travel tips in mind, you are well on your way to a relaxing and enjoyable summer road trip season.
by: leontyne
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