Summer Tomato Care

Share: Tomato plants carry short side stems of flowers; these are called trusses
. The flowers need to be pollinated either by insects, or if they are in a greenhouse, you may need to pollinate the early flowers by hand. Do this with a paintbrush or even your fingers, brushing pollen from one flower and transferring it to the next. The truss has set when you can see tiny green balls of immature tomatoes in place of the flowers. These will swell, ripen and mature into tomatoes.
Tips and advice
[] Tie in and support tomato plants as they develop, especially as fruit starts to swell or they will quickly topple over and be damaged.
[] Dont allow tomato plants to dry out. Stress, inconsistent watering and a lack of calcium can lead to split fruits and Blossom End Rot.
[] For cordon tomatoes pinch out the side shoots before they develop. If they are quite large then root them into a pot of multi-purpose compost and grow them into new plants.
[] When the first truss of fruits has set you need to provide more nutrients to support growth. Choose a dedicated tomato food that will deliver all the necessary nutrients and trace elements to encourage strong healthy plants and a good crop of fruit.
Tomatoes have very specific requirements when it comes to nutrition, so choose a high-performance fertiliser tailored to their needs. Choose a dedicated tomato food that contains high levels of nitrogen and potassium for crops that are unbeatable in terms of flavour whether they are grown in the soil or in the growing bags. Make sure the product you choose also includes trace elements to promote and sustain healthy plants and significantly reduces the risk of blossom end rot, a common disease of tomatoes.
[] When tomato plants have five trusses of fruit developing, pinch out the tip of the plant to divert energy into these fruits.
[] Remove any yellowing leaves from the base of your tomato plants. This allows more light in to ripen the fruit. Do not remove leaves above developing or ripening fruit trusses.
[] If whitefly are a problem around your tomatoes then grow some French Marigolds alongside, these deter whitefly and reduce the need for pesticides.
[] If you want to speed up the ripening process of green tomatoes then hang banana skins among the fruit. These emit ethylene, a natural ripening catalyst.
by: Growhouse
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