Successful Toe Fungus Treatment Is Very Difficult
Successful Toe Fungus Treatment Is Very Difficult
The microorganisms which cause fungal infections are very tough to get rid of. It is not easy to find a toe fungus treatment which is absolutely effective. Trial and error of many different products makes it costly and in addition to that, the length of time required for treatment and the meticulous attention to detail, make the process exhaustive. The fungi live under and within the toenail, making access very difficult under the best of circumstances.Because of their tendency to be damp and dark, feet provide the perfect environment for the fungi which flourish under these conditions. They eat into the nail, causing it to crumble and chip, prying it loose from the toe and causing discoloration and thickness. In most cases, there is no physical discomfort. Usually, if toes have been previously damaged in any serious way, or if there is limited exposure to air circulation, the odds of becoming infected are increased.The likelihood of successfully eliminating this affliction is somewhat limited. There appears to be no one right treatment, even with protracted and continuous use, perhaps for as much as six months to one year. What works for one does not necessarily work for another. Oral treatments are not very effective, even the most powerful ones. In addition, taking these for extended periods of time can result in damage to the liver and other troubling side effects. Likewise, there are also very few topical treatments which work well, thus narrowing the possibilities even more.There is some good news and claims of success with the use of natural treatments. One product which has been acclaimed for its effectiveness is tea tree oil. Some doctors even advocate this in preference over prescription drugs. A prerequisite for the use of natural treatments is that they should contain an active fungicide.The antifungal agents contained in herbal supplements such as garlic, olive leaf extract and oregano gives them potential as options to explore. They can be used in combination with natural treatments, once a doctor has first given his approval. Even with natural stuff, self medication is not recommended. In fact, some of these can react with traditional medicines causing deterioration in conditions.Home remedies abound for containing symptoms. Frequent dipping of the diseased digits into hydrogen peroxide has worked for some. Sustained application of an antifungal cream known as Whitfields Ointment has worked for others. Practical things such as scrubbing feet regularly, keeping them dry, wearing footwear made of natural fibers and putting powder into shoes to absorb sweating all help in containing the situation.It is not unheard of for podiatrists to suggest the removal of a nail in some critical situations. Fortunately, this is not usually the norm. It happens when the toenail becomes too painful and frequent flare ups occur. Apart from being difficult to treat, fungal infections are also deceptive. They can appear to be gone and then surprisingly flare into life again.Not only is it unsightly, but living with this malady can also be awkward and embarrassing. Because it is so difficult to treat successfully, some even propose that unless it becomes unbearable, that it be left alone and not treated. Try telling this to sufferers, and in most cases they will indicate their absolute commitment to availing themselves of any toe fungus treatment in the desperation to find something that works.Marie is a foot health specialist devoted to foot fungus. Check out her Website for more information!
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