Stress During The Holidays Can Be Managed

Share: On the Food Channel one of the chefs spoke about how stressful it was to get all
pies ready for Thanksgiving and he had a system to make easier the life of a pie maker.
I admit to never thinking about the stress of baking. That should be something enjoyed for the end results and for feeling so satisfied when family and friends bite into the meringue tips or the cinnamon pumpkin custard with whipped cream.
Many of us, however, have this sense of overwhelming responsibility when it comes to holidays because we want them to be perfect. Indeed, it is fairly common to find yourself in the middle of an array of competing demands, work, family visits, friends, gift buying, baking, cleaning, kids on vacation and so little time to get it all done.
The problem is we look for the ideal holiday and the ideal is never there.

Share: Know the trigger points in your family relationships. Family problems are often highlighted during the holidays. Misunderstandings can intensify especially after you have been together for a few days. They can stir up old resentments and rivalries. Talk about and resolve your conflicts before the holidays. Decide who gets to host the holiday dinners in September. Work out how you are going to include the customs of the step family of your sun in law in October. Do not let the small things ruin your holiday.
Set a budget for the amount of money you are going to spend for the holidays. Do that in August and September so you can plan how you are going to stay within that budget. Instead of purchasing lavish cashmere sweaters for the family maybe this year it will be a book on a topic that is of special interest for that family member. Believe me, everyone will think that much more of you because of the thought you put into the purchase.
Do not forget to breath and breath deeply. Call an old friend and say hello. Call a cousin you have not seen in years and say hello. Feel good about what you do. You will not only feel better but you will not be compromising your immune system because you are not experiencing suffocating stress.
The strain of shopping, attending social gatherings, and preparing holiday decorations and gifts is enough to throw anyone off kilter.
Do not abandon your healthy habits. You do not have to feel pressured to eat or drink to excess just because it is a holiday or for any celebration. Before attending parties decide how much and what types of foods and beverages you want to consume. If you have a healthy snack, party foods such as plates of cheese and sweets may tempt you less.
Get plenty of sleep.
Keep your exercise schedule. You will find it well worth the time once the holidays have passed.
Take a breather and schedule time for yourself. Read a book for 15 minutes. Take a walk listening to soothing music.
Forget about perfection. In real life people do not solve their problems in 30 minutes including commercial breaks. Your brother may bring up an old argument or your mother criticizes you about how you are not spending enough time with her. Expect and accept imperfections.
Seek professional help if you find yourself feeling persistently sad, anxious and unable to sleep. Talk to your doctor. You may have depression.
by: Ruthan Brodsky
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