Strategy Is Better Than Luck For Winning Texas Holdem Poker

Share: Who needs Lady Luck in Texas Holdem poker when you have a card up your sleeve
? No, we're not talking about cheating! A good strategy can help you build a better hand and win big every time you sit down at a poker table. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of Texas Holdem pros that you can use to improve your game.
Knowing the rules inside and out is the key to becoming a good player. If you are playing online Texas Holdem Poker, then print out the rules and keep them by your side as a reference. You also need to understand the language of Holdem poker.
For example, AA means a pair of aces and is the very best of starting hands. T9s means a ten and a nine of the same suit. K8o means a king and an eight of different suits. AJs means an ace and a jack of the same suit. The most difficult thing for beginners is knowing when to raise and when to fold. If your pocket cards are AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AKs, AKo, or AQs, then you should raise, at least three times the big blind. If you are dealt TT, 99, 88, 77, AQo, AJs, ATs, KQs, KQo, KJs, QJs, then you should call or fold.
The flop can completely change the course of a game. This is when three of the five community cards are dealt face up. The fourth community card is called the turn and the fifth is called the river and each subsequent deal is followed by a further round of betting. As every Holdem player knows, the river card can be a thorn in your side or it can be your saving grace! Anyway, following the flop, a good rule of thumb to follow is that if your hand hasn't improved, then chances are another player's did and it's time to fold.
Many players will limp in (call the big blind) just to see the flop, with the hope that it will vastly improve their hand. On the flip side, if there is an improvement and you believe you are holding the best hand, then go for it and raise. However, when you have a stellar hand after the flop, say an ace high flush, if you bet too high you risk scaring off the other players. With a hand like this it is better to slow play it, and let your opponents build up the pot for you.
Unless you're a psychic (or cheating!), of course you have to guess at what cards your opponents are holding. When you get some experience, you'll learn how to read body language, especially if you play with the same people a lot. The most common mistakes that beginners make in the their Texas Holdem strategy is calling when they should fold, folding when they should call, calling when they should raise, and raising when they should call or fold.
Any of these errors can end up costing them money. To avoid these mistakes, it's critical to make a good decision during the flop. If the flop does not improve your hand, then muck that hand. Don't raise and pray that a higher power will magically turn up the right cards. Doing that will likely result in a very short stack of chips!
Texas Holdem poker stops being fun when people take the game too seriously or lose their shirt at the table. Play the game judiciously and know when to quit. Set a limit on how much money you are willing to risk and how much time you spend at a casino or playing Texas Holdem online.
You may have a night when you just can't lose, but it's just as easy to have a bad night. If you do find that you're hooked on Texas Holdem poker, talk to someone and get help. The game is a lot of fun, but you can bet that it's not worth ruining your relationships and financial stability over.
by: Michael McMahon
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