Competition In Africa's Business Environment

Share: Now that Africa is becoming one of the world's best business venue
competition might get tougher. All types of businesses will need a
more intense and effective business modeling to keep up with the
heat of the battle. Doing business in Sub-Saharan Africa will become
harder to bear because of the rise of more foreign investments.
Business in Africa competition sector is expected to become
tighter. This is all because of the growing number of investors
being invited by the region's overall growth. Countries with large
economies were the premiere investors in Africa. One of them is
China which focuses on oil, mining and infrastructure business. But
as always the first one to come is the one who gets much of the
advantage. This is why Chinese investors are making the most of the
moment while everything is still fresh and hot. China is one of
Africa's best business partner right now. With their wide spread
investments, the continent is helped out to cater the needs of
Africans. United States is also one of the primary investor in
Africa. These two countries are perceived as two banging stones in
African business and in the global economy.
But as experts said, no business in Africa will be cornered or get
left sagging in their respective industries. Africa has a very
competitive natural resources, enough to sustain the life of any
African business. Plus, the large population of the continent is a
great prospect to become consumers. The consuming behavior of most
people are also improving. More people are introduced to
innovations. Slowly but surely, Africans are embracing them to make
their daily living better. A tighter competition can only be a
disadvantage for businessmen if they don't know how to abide it.
On a brighter side, competition in Africa's business environment
will spur growth on the continent's different sectors. It will
stimulate progress through innovation and greater productivity. More
production means more supply. Like in food business, if there are
more ventures on food production, people will never run out of
sources. Lesser rate will suffer from hunger. ICT is also one of the
most improved sector. Majority of the population of the whole
continent is seeking for something that will make their life more
convenient. Anywhere you look at, you will find someone asking for a
change. What Africa needs is more investments on their ICT,
agriculture, education, health services, infrastructure, etc.. You
can be the one that they are looking for.
Competition just needs to be fair and everything else will end up
positive. Competitors are not there to thwart you from achieving
your goals. There's nothing that can stop you from getting what you
want if you badly want it. Problem can come in the form of poor
management and ineffective decision making but can be resolved
through business consulting
by: Lars Stork
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