Stem Cell Treatment - Ask Your Doctor About It!
Stem Cell Treatment - Ask Your Doctor About It!
Your doctors might have talked to you about stem cell banking and even advised you to start treatment for yourself or your family with it. Stem cell research have been rapidly helping sceintists to find cures and treatments for otherwise critical diseases such as leukimia and diabetis - conditions that mankind have been unable to find cures for since ancient times.- Heart attacks- there are huge possibilities of improvement in this field. Researchers have achieved astonishing results by introducing cord blood stem cells into the damaged muscles of the heart. The results have been simply astonishing! The very nature of stem cells helps them grow into any tissue or new cell. This can be used with shocking results!- Coronary artery disease- this is one of the major killers in the world today. Stem cell transplants have helped people grow new vessels around the damaged area of the clogged arteries. The new vessels succeeded in improving the blood circulation to and from the heart. If you are prone to thin disease whether through genetic or lifestyle related factors, you should consider this life insurance for your kid.Stem cell transplants have also been fruitful in the treatment of other cardiovascular diseases like strokes and heart attacks. By investing in stem cell banking now, it's possible that you will be able to save not only your life, but your family's should these diseases becomes treatable via stem cell transplants! This can also have amazing results in the treatment of mainly genetically handed down conditions like Parkinson's and Alzheimer.- Brain and nerve damage- an amazing quality of these stem cells is that they can mature into nerve cells. You can only imagine the potential it creates in neurological treatments! Patients who have suffered from strokes and paralysis can now be treated with stem cell transplants! Even traumatic brain injuries can now be treated with these transplants.- Blood disorders- stem cell transplants are being actively used for such conditions as cancer of the blood and thalassemia. Cells from the bone marrow are already being used in the treatment of these disorders. The chances of the host rejecting stem cell transplants are almost low. Since they are genetically more similar, they have more of a chance in being accepted by the body.- Diseases of the spine- stem cell transplants have also been used in the treatments of spinal cord injuries. There have been successful clinical trials on sinal cord injury patients. All of them showed improvements in their condition. This is another life insurance you can provide your kid with stem cell banking.The biggest advantage of stem cell transplant is that they can be beneficial for the whole family. Not only will your child benefit from stem cell banking, but even you will. It ensures that you have a close match when you need treatment. This ensures that you do not waste time looking for a donor. Also, a genetic match ensures that your body does not reject the transplant. This is likely with bone marrow transplants.
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