Static Caravan Insurance - Questions And Answers

Share: Many people who own static caravans feel that they could save a considerable amount of money if they chose not to insure them
. Admittedly, the vast majority of people who do insure their static caravans never have reason to claim, but of course there are also many who have found themselves in a situation where they would have been lost without good insurance.
It's also worth bearing in mind that you can insure the average static caravan for less than 300 pounds per year. If you've just spent a small fortune buying a new static caravan, why would you possibly want to take a chance, and that just so that you can save a few pounds each year?
Does Static Caravan Insurance Cover You Against All Conceivable Risks?
To a great extent it does, but as with all types of insurance policies, there are a few exceptions to the rule. This is why owners should always make sure they read through the policy carefully so that they know exactly where they stand. For example, if your policy is based on 'market value only', then you could end up suffering a loss in the future.

Share: If you have this type of policy, and your static caravan ends up getting completely destroyed, the insurance company would decide how much the caravan was worth at the time, and that's the amount they will pay you. Of course if you bought your caravan several years ago, and now you're only receiving a fraction of what you paid for it, there's not much chance that you'll be able to afford a new one, particularly when one also takes inflation into consideration. A 'new for old' policy is by far the best choice.
Even though most people own there caravans for many years without ever experiencing any problems, others are unfortunate enough to have their caravans broken into several times. Many static caravans also end up becoming severely damaged because of things such as fires, flooding, storms, and etc. Usually it is possible to upgrade from 'market value only' to 'new for old' for little extra, but of course prices are subject to change at any given time.
Will the Insurance Company Pay For Everything To Be Replaced?
Essentially, this depends on how honest you were with the company
representative when you first took out your policy. In other words, the insurance company is only going to pay out the amount which was agreed on initially. This figure is known as the 'sum insured', so as you can see, it's of the utmost importance that you declare an accurate figure. Also, you will be responsible for paying the excess amount. This is the amount you agreed to pay in the event of a claim. Unfortunately, many people ask for the excess to be set very high in order to reduce the overall cost of insurance, and then when disaster strikes, and they need to submit a claim, they realise they can't afford to pay the excess.
Where to Find the Ideal Insurance Policy:
Just as with all types of insurance policies, you need to shop around so that you can get quotes from several different companies. Nowadays it is best to do this online, in that it's far less time consuming than conventional methods, and of course you also get to do it from the comfort of your own home. Additionally, most static caravan insurance providers offer attractive discounts to those who choose to sign up online, so basically, shopping for cover online is a win, win situation.
by: Tom Jones
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