Standing While Working? *the Standing Office Workstation*:
It may be a fundamental thing as a work standard to sit at your desk for hours upon hours on end, except these days the new craze of standing while working is not only becoming popular very quickly, it also has many advantages. The main advantage of it is that you will form better posture which will help to repel back related problems. Creating a standing workstation so that you can develop a habit of standing while working will also enhance your abilities to multi task, create a freedom of movement and thinking, and also encourage more productive work outs. Since standing for hours and hours can have disadvantages just like sitting for long periods of time, some individuals that are now using a standing workstation, also have a sitting workstation. This split standing/sitting work spaces can be attuned and positioned vertically to hold the two positions and create the optimum working environment for you. From sitting to standing and back, you have an optimal work system, can easily switch from one workstation to the next, and can receive the positive advantages of both ways to add to your workday.
Pros And Cons:
You are already captivated on the idea of it. What you will notice instantly is standing is different from sitting , and yet you are more productive for longer periods of time when you stand while you work. You will also engage your brain and focus on your work better. Since you are now on your feet more, it is likely you will have an improved capability on managing and controlling your weight. Always remember to change your positions regularly for the best work results and productivity, and be sure to change your positions periodically. Also take care not to bend over while standing. Stand up straight, and after a couple of hours standing, switch over to your sitting workstation and sit for a bit before standing again.
So what are the challenges of standing? First is with venal blood return and venal stasis. This means that by standing for too long of a period of time, your feet could swell due to the fact your heart works to pump your blood to your height. This, in turn can cause more strain on your muscles on the lower extremities, and can end to an untimely knee aging. By standing for too long, you could also experience pains to the lower part of your back, stiffness on your neck and shoulders, and other health and body risks. The fix is simple though. Just like you shouldn't sit all day, don't stand all day. Take breaks from standing and continue working sitting down, or do another activity while sitting to give your body a rest from standing, and then get back to it!
Health Benefits of Standing:
There is a lot of benefits on standing compared to sitting at your workstation. Besides reducing the rate of heart diseases and diabetes, many studies have shown that one of the biggest advantages to standing is to help prevent obesity. Sitting can keep and hold off your body fat from burning. This means it's much more likely that you will gain more weight when sitting for hours compared to standing. Your body just gets lazier when it's sitting down, almost as if it's taking a nap from burning fat. When you're standing, your body has an easier time increasing the enzyme called Lipase. This enzyme allows your body to get and consume fats into your body muscles.
Lipase almost shuts off when we sit down. The standard person can burn an extra 60 calories in an hour by just standing, and it also helps on improving your HDL (High Density Lipoprotien) aka gives you good cholesterol levels. Your body wants to be on a straight line, where our heart does not have to pump blood around 98 degree angle when we are sitting. There are lesser places for our blood to pool if you are standing and less chances of circulation being cut off to extremities.
Tips To Create Your Own Standing Office:
When you are setting up your work station in your office, you will want to keep some things in mind. Naturally, the less mess your workstation has, the likely you will get distracted. Common sense, right? Also, preferably tactics to create a superior balance of comfort, easy access to information, tools, storage and free space. In addition, all the things that you will need to help you accomplish your tasks on your day to day work, such as your computer and books, should be incorporated into your workstation as well.
Evidently, your desk is the most essential factor in making your standing/sitting workstation. Arrange your space so that you can stand and sit right next to each other, so transitioning from each position is so easy that you quickly form the habit between standing and sitting. Transitioning to this new way of working shouldn't be a chore, so by setting up your workstations next to each other, you are more likely to utilize and love your new way of working. Also, because it is so easy to transition from standing to sitting and back again, you will be less likely to interrupt your work, and you will find huge boosts more of productivity in your work day. To get an idea of an easy and affordable way to create a standing workstation, and also have a sitting workstation incorporated into your office, click the link to the following video. SmartSimpleSystems
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