Spring Time - time to spend in the garden

Share: Spring Time - time to spend in the garden
For many of us living in greater London our back garden is the nearest we get to wild life. And there is no better time than spring to get familiar with your local wild creatures. With a little careful thought and minimal expense we can all create a welcoming habitat to encourage a wide variety of animals.
There is no feature better than a pond, however large or small, for attracting wild life into your garden. Even if your budget will not stretch to a large installation there are affordable options. Pop up ponds or a small, preferably high sided bucket will do. Many insects and all amphibians lay eggs in water, insect larvae attract birds and if you are lucky (unlucky if you have fish in your pond) frogs and newts may attract a grey heron.
Putting out a number of different foods for garden birds will guarantee regular visits from a surprising range of colourful favourites. Sparrows enjoy seeds and will eat from the ground, bird table or feeders whilst blackbirds tend to prefer eating meal worms or fruit (an apple tossed on the lawn will keep them returning all day) from the ground. Greattits and bluetits prefer blue coloured seed feeders or suet feeders and a hanging peanut feeder can attract a group of long-tailed tits. Robins are drawn to freshly turned soil as it reveals tasty worms, they also enjoy fresh or dried fruit from a table or ground. Wood pigeons and collared doves will eat seeds from the ground or a table.

Share: To ensure the birds feel safe eating in your garden take time to engage your bird brain when placing feeders and tables. Since song birds have many predators place tables and feeders away from heavy tree cover which could provide a hiding place for sparrow hawks and fences from which a cat could pounce. Take care that food on the ground is also at least 1m from heavy leaf cover. All that is left to do is put on your kakis and sit quietly in your garden for them to arrive.
NB: Feeders and tables should be cleaned regularly with a bird friendly cleaner and moved around regularly, remembering to dispose of any food showing signs of mould.
Another great article from www.petwonders.co.uk friend Lisa C
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