This article seeks to give you a solid knowledge base on sprained ankle treatment at hand
, no matter what your previous experience on the topic.
Digging for the fact about sprained ankle treatment
Sprain in the ankle can be a serious injury especially to a sportsperson. Some people also experience sprain in the ankle while getting up from bed, while catching a bus or train or getting up from the chair quickly. The reasons for ankle sprain can be many however only there are a few home remedies that can reduce the intensity of the pain. The best sprained ankle treatment that is easily available at home is the heat and ice method.
Pack ice in a bag and apply it in the affected area. It is important to keep in mind that this bag of ice should be kept only for 15 minutes. Keeping it for prolonged period may be dangerous. After this treatment apply some ointment that can relieve the pain. After a couple of hours one should apply the hot towel treatment. A towel soaked in hot water should be slightly touched to the affected area. Although one may not prefer to keep this hot towel for a long period of time doing this process at least once would lessen the pain. One should also keep the leg in an elevated position so that it reduces pain and makes you feel comfortable. The ice pack theory should be done twice or thrice a day. If there is excruciating pain then checking with a doctor as soon as possible is safe.
Special Note: If you copy and paste the term sprained ankle cure into the search box of Google, you will be resulted with a lot of useful information and ideas about sprained ankle treatment which is one of the useful subjects that most people search for.
It is important to note that one should not ignore the symptoms of sprain or leave the area untreated. It may lead to an increase in pain and worsen the situation further. Bandage, ointment, quick relief gels are some of the quick means to get rid of pain. One should also check with the doctor or a therapist as soon as possible.
To learn more about sprained ankle treatment, visit your local library or do a simple Internet search to get the information you desire.