Spinal Cord Injuries As The Result Of An Accident
Share: One of the most devastating injuries to receive from a Chicago accident is a spinal cord injury
. Spinal cord injuries can change the course of an individual's life.
The most common types of accidents that can lead to a spinal cord injury are falls, motor vehicle accidents or acts of violence, such as a gunshot wound. No matter what type of spinal cord injury received, the reality is that it cannot be reversed. In addition, the long-term financial consequences of tending to the medical and lifestyle considerations of such an injury can be devastating for a victim and their families.
Types of Spinal Cord Injuries from a Chicago Accident
Generally, there are 2 types of spinal cord injuries that can result from a Chicago accident. A complete spinal cord injury results in an individual losing all sensation and the ability to move below the level of the injury.
Share: With an incomplete spinal cord injury, an individual has some sensation or ability to move below the level of the injury. The degree of sensation and movement will greatly vary depending on the type of Chicago accident the individual was involved in and the degree of the injury.
Types of Spinal Cord Injury - Quadriplegia & Paraplegia
Quadriplegia is a term used when neck injuries are involved. The spinal cord is made up of levels that indicate the degree of damage. For instance, injuries above the C-4 level may cause breathing difficulties that could lead to the need for a ventilator. C-5 injuries may allow an individual to move their shoulders and biceps, but not their wrist or hand.
Paraplegia occurs when injuries are at the thoracic level and below. Hand movement is not affected. However there is usually a lack of control of the trunk, which can affect control over abdominal muscles. The degree of control and movement will depend on where exactly the injury has occurred.
Other Complications from a Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injuries that are the result of a Chicago accident can lead to other complications such as:
blood pressure difficulties;
bowel and bladder dysfunction;
sexual dysfunction; and
chronic pain.
These additional complications can make the trauma of a spinal cord injury that much more severe.
Although there are many types of circumstances that can lead to a spinal cord injury, if you have been injured in a Chicago accident, you should consult with an experienced Chicago injury lawyer to discuss your options in filing a personal injury claim.
Copyright (c) 2010 Barry D
by: Barry D
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