Spill Containment Berms Is Like An Extra Insurance Policy
Devices that hold in a chemical spill or other hazardous materials are called spill containment berms
. These berms are low cost and compact. The berms are essential for anyone who has a business and works with hazardous materials.
Berms are a necessity when there is a danger of toxic or hazardous material spilling in your work place. Many businesses use these devices to hold in fluid or other hazardous waste if a spill has the possibility of happening. No chemical is truly contained 100% securely, so to have a berm in place is like an insurance policy and is good for your peace of mind. Without one, you could face some pretty large fines or litigation.
Berms have been created to hold all sorts of hazardous materials. Solid or liquid materials need a secure place for storage in case a spill becomes evident No berm means that you could have more area contaminated and the chance of injury or death rises.
Workers could get chemicals in their eyes or worse if a containment berm is not in place. The spill could spread across the business and the chance of injury could rise. This is a terrible liability for the business owner. The less spill means fewer injury. With berms in place, the containment and clean up is easier and there will be no need for outside safety agencies to be called.
Berms have been created for industry, the military, small business, and home use. A compact version can be used around one station or a larger version will allow vehicles to drive in and their cargo can be contained with removal from the vehicle
Special made berms can even contain flammable materials. There are special devices that are included with the unit that disallows ignition from electronic components or sparks from metal. The spill can be safely cleaned up without danger and the fluid can be siphoned to a new container.
So if you have hazardous materials stored in your home or business, make sure you use spill containment berms. It will be worth the cost and the time if you just have one chemical spill. Your life and the life of your employees and loved ones are worth the time not counting the investment. Some insurance companies even offer discounts if you have a containment berm in place.