Specialty Static Caravan Insurance for Proper Peace of Mind

Share: Specialty Static Caravan Insurance for Proper Peace of Mind
Here's the thing about static caravan insurance: unless a company is composed of people who have had direct experience of caravan ownership, they're pretty poorly placed to design and sell insurance for caravans. Now, while insurance for statics is not a legal requirement, it would be inconceivably simple to decide not to protect your holiday home in some way: it is, after all, a significant and long lasting (you hope) investment, which you don't tend to live anywhere near and which you see maybe twice a year. That's a lot of cash tied up in an aluminium clad box with fitted sofas.
You can, fortunately, now get static caravan insurance from people who have lived the life and know what the real dangers affecting statics actually are. Yes, opportunist theft can be a problem, particularly on sites that close down for the winter months; as, of course, can the normal failures to launch of domestic appliances fittings and so on. The real things that affect statics and their owners, though, the things that insurance for caravans, when it's sold by people who own caravans, is designed to protect against, all come in the shape and form of the British weather.
Leaving anything alone, outside, in Britain for extended periods of time is a virtual guarantee that it will rust, or that water will get into it, or that wind will blow it apart, or that it will sink in mud. To one degree or another, all of these things happen to the owners of static caravans. Static caravan insurance is as much about protecting your investment against weather encroachments you can't even see as it is about preventing unsustainable loss through theft or equipment failure. Insurance for caravans makes provision for the fact that they are left alone for significant periods of time, and that the most likely time for an owner to phone in a claim is after he or she has been away from the van for a couple of months. During which time of course anything could have set in and gotten progressively worse without anyone being there to notice.

Share: Static caravan insurance is designed to protect an investment and, crucially, to make sure that the unique way in which that investment is enjoyed (i.e. every now and then, with great periods of absence in between) does not hamper insurance claims when they need to be put in.
The trick to getting good insurance for caravans is to go to a body that has been set up to promote the interest of caravan and holiday home owners and start with them. That way you know you are getting unbiased advice or, if anything, advice biased on the side of the caravan owner: you. Static caravan insurance isn't a legal requirement, but it is a necessity for any serious holiday home owner. Getting the right insurance for caravans will save money and heartache in the long run and will safeguard for many, many years of delightful holidays.
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