Some Stories About The Origin of the Christmas Tree

Share: Some Stories About The Origin of the Christmas Tree
Christmas day is coming, are you ready to buy a big Christmas tree for your family from the store? Or you have already busy with decorating the Christmas tree. How do you plan to do with? How about let me give you some suggestions for you?
The Christmas tree is usually covered with strings of colored lights, and a star fixed on top representing the star in the east which guided the three wise men to where Jesus was born. And you can put some gifts under the tree. Yeah! Perfect! You have finished the decoration. There are any many different stories about the Christmas tree. Have you ever heard some stories about the origin of the Christmas tree? Are you interested in these stories? How about let me share it with you?
One story from Germany is about Queen Victoria. Once upon a time, she often visited her relatives in Germany and while she stayed there, and then she fell in love with the Prince Albert. In fact, the Prince also deeply impressed by the beauty of Victoria, so he fell in love with her for the first sight. After they were married, they moved back to England so that they cam raise their family. On Christmas Day, the Prince Albert decorated a tree to celebrate this great festival, and ever since that time, the English, because their great love and respect to their Queen, they imitated the Queen's Christmas customs including decorating the Christmas tree. This story took place in the 19th century, about 1830.

Share: Another story about the origin of the Christmas tree says that in the late Middle Ages, Germans and Scandinavians placed evergreen trees inside their homes or just outside their doors to show their hope that the cold winter is coming to an end, and spring is coming.
Another legend that has not been proved is that Martin Luther is responsible for the origin of the Christmas tree. This story says that one Christmas Eve, about the year 1500, he was walking through the snowcovered woods and was struck by the beauty of the snow glistened trees. Their branches, dusted with snow, shimmered in the moon light. When he got home, he set up a small tree and shared the story with his children. He decorated the Christmas tree with small candles, which he lighted in honor of Christ's birth.
There are many stories about the origin of the Christmas tree, as we are just modern people, and we may unable to confirm which story is the real origin, and which one is just story. Whatever it is, it will not change the fact that the Christmas Day is celebrated in honor of Christ's birth.
Christmas is coming, sincerely hope that you can enjoy this great festival with the beautiful Christmas tree ( ) in your house!
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