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Some Of The Worst Optimized Websites Are In The Automotive Industry

Some Of The Worst Optimized Websites Are In The Automotive Industry

I have seen the future of the automotive industry

. And it is not pretty. Sure, you can send me hate mail or you can take a big look for yourself. I don't spend a lot of time paying lip service to middle management drones or trying to flirt with half informed office hacks. I have seen many of these automotive sites from the inside out. We have literally popped the lid on these sites and checked out the guts and I got to tell ya. It's no wonder our cars aren't selling in this country. Nobody can find these sites in the first place. Many of our automotive dealerships are next to impossible to find on Google, Bing and Yahoo.

A lot of these sites share the same challenges of Yamaha atv parts sites. These sites also have the same problems that Kawasaki and Honda sites share as well. These websites are created to dazzle with lots of flashing graphics, whirling colors, and slicked up graphics that masks important information like keywords, and readable text. You see no matter how sexed up the graphics are search engine spider bots still have to read the text in your sites.

The two things you don't want to do is put a lot of Flash in your sites. The search engines will look at that page as one big black box. All of the great animation and text information in your web site will get swallowed up and never really get picked up and archived in the search engines. The second worse thing you can do is put a lot of javascript in your websites. This is a great way to ensure that you will never rank well in the search engines. So if you want to rank well I would listen to guys who actually do this for a living instead of someone who logs into an automotive Ning site from time to time.

Its relatively simple. Search engine bots have a hard time archiving sites that are loaded down with Flash animations, javascript programming language and tons of flashy artwork. Also be careful of sites that insist and burying its readable text on JPEG's. Heavy art work sites are a problem because they need more content. There are certain things in the HTML programming language that needs to go into the sites. Some of these elements can actually help propel your site above others in the search engine ranks. If nothing else go get a Dummies book on HTML and search engine optimization and start with the basics. There are little things you can do with your automotive sites that will help them get ranked on the web.Some Of The Worst Optimized Websites Are In The Automotive Industry

Copyright (c) 2010 Ted Cantu

by: Ted Cantu
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Some Of The Worst Optimized Websites Are In The Automotive Industry