Some Of The Tips About Auto Body Repair Las Vegas

Share: There are several things that one could do in order to repair their auto body
. If there is any damage in the body such as dent, scratches or rusts, it could be repaired using glass-fiber materials and epoxy resins.
Like many another skill, automobile-body repairing now has become a job that can be handled easily by the handy man. Glass-fiber materials and epoxy resins have made this possible. Most glass-fiber products, such as auto bodies and awnings, consist of glass fiber and polyester resins. This latter resin produces a strong, lightweight material, but does not adhere to other substances. Epoxy resin adheres tenaciously to metals and other materials. When buying an auto body repair Las Vegas kit for auto-body work, be sure it contains epoxy resin. Because no heat is required when making repairs with glass fiber, warping and distortion of the sheet metal do not occur. Also, since no acids or fluxes are required, as when lead is used to make a sheet-metal repair on a car body, glass-fiber does not present a painting problem. If fluxes and acids are not completely removed or neutralized, they will react with the paint and cause it to peel off down to bare metal.

Share: Rusted-out areas of body sheet metal are repaired as easily as dents. If holes are quite large, wadded newspapers are used to support patch until it sets. Whether damage to an auto body is due to something denting the sheet metal, or is due to rust, it can be repaired to like-new condition. The first step in making a glass-fiber repair is to sand down the damaged area, removing the paint several inches beyond the actual damage.
Next, wipe the sanded metal with a solvent to remove all traces of oil and wax. If there are holes torn or rusted through the metal, tap the edges inward. Now, drill a series of small holes just outside the perimeter of the damage. Resin will be forced through these holes and help anchor the glass-fiber patch to the sheet metal. To assure maximum adhesion of the glass-fiber material, the damaged area of the car body should be warmed by using heat lamps. Pieces of glass-fiber cloth now are cut to fit over the damaged areas. The resin and hardening chemical now are mixed together in a shallow pan in the proportions given by the manufacturer. Rubber gloves must be worn when dipping the glass-fiber cloth in the resin and applying it to the sheet metal. Heat lamps are used again, this time to speed drying. When dry, the glass-fiber patches are sanded down to the contour of the body. If any air bubbles or low spots appear, glass-fiber "putty," a mixture of chopped glass fibers and resin, is spread on the patch,. After the putty has set firmly it is sanded flush, the area is cleaned and a prime coat of paint is sprayed on the auto
body repair Las Vegas. Paper towels should be attached to the sheet metal around the damaged area to prevent the resin from harming the paint.
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