Some Common Types of Injury During Fitness
Share: Some Common Types of Injury During Fitness
Fitness is one of the most popular exercises preferred by modern people. However, from the total amount of people who do this exercise, only some people know well about the most common injuries that might happen during this activity. Meanwhile, having more understanding about those injuries will be very useful to help you prevent those problems. Besides, you will also notice the proper ways to treat them when those problems happen to you. Just read this article to know more about some most common injuries in fitness.
The first injury is muscle soreness that might happen one or two days after workout activity. This problem is caused by any exercises done when the muscles are unconditioned. The pain of the stiff muscle could even last for a week and surely it will reduce your convenience in doing your daily activities. To relieve the pain, taking a rest and ice compressing will be useful. Doing proper warm up before doing fitness will be useful to prevent this injury.
The second injury will be sprains. This problem is caused by any accidents during workout that make the ligaments of the person damage. Overuse workout is also potential to cause this painful injury. This injury is ranged from overstretching to complete tears of the ligaments. Any minor sprains such as overstretching or micro-tears could be treated with extended rest and ice. However, more serious sprains will needs medical treatment or even needs surgical procedures.
Share: Then, tendonitis comes as the third injury that mostly happens in fitness. It is caused by any injury on the tendon or the muscles. As well as sprains, tendonitis is ranged from mild to serious level. To treat this injury in mild level, you can simply take extended rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling. For some cases, people who have this problem should take regular exercise to strengthen the supporting groups of muscles in taking the strain of the tendon.
Surely, there are some other types of injury that might happen during fitness activity. However, those three problems are the most common ones experienced by people who do this certain workout activity. You can simply reduce the risk of those injuries by doing proper warm up before start working out. Therefore, you can be healthier without having any pain caused by injury.
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