Social Anxiety Treatment for Agoraphobia, OCD, Post Traumatic and Seperation Anxiety
Social Anxiety Treatment for Agoraphobia, OCD
, Post Traumatic and Seperation Anxiety
This article gives an overview of social anxiety and specific types of social anxiety including Agoraphobia, OCD, Post Traumatic Stress and Seperation Anxiety. It is recommended that the mumbo-jumbo celebrity motivational speaking methods are avoided and no-nonsense, direct approaches are instead taken on. It might be harded but the results will be better.
Agoraphobia isthe anxiety about being in a place or situation that might be difficult to get out of.Agoraphobia sufferersoften need to be near possible escape routes. In more severe cases, the sufferer may never want to leave their own homein thefear of not being able to escape their future destination.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is known by repetitive actions being carried out to a set routine. Certain thoughts or images are obsessed over and lead to rituals needing to be carried out in order for the sufferer to feel safe and secure.The cause of the compulsion is often not clearly known. It is just an urge.
Post-traumatic stress can result froma singletraumaticevent such asa fight,rape, an accident or long term abuse. Flashbacks and depression are common symptons.
Separation anxiety disorder is irrational concernabout being separated from another person or a place. Seperation anxiety is a normal part of a childs development,but itis a disorder when it becomes excessive.
Different treatment options are out there the above disorders. This includespsychotherapy,whichfocuses on increasing the individual's sense of their own well-being. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to get at the root of the irrational thoughts andbehaviors with an aim to treat them over a series of therapy visits.Another method ispharmaceutical therapy whichemploys various medications to relieve symptoms but it is not used just by itself as it doesn'tget to the root of theproblem andonly treats the symptons.
This information does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional. And the treatment methods just discussed should be investigated. Differerent methods will work better for different people.
It is recommended that you stay away from some of the books out there by celebrity motivational speakers etc. that just give you nicey nicey inspirational quotes that have no weight behind them and will not get to the roof of the problem. You want to overcome social anxiety and not just cope with it. You need to tackle it head on. The treatment methods above will do this. If you do want to check out cheaper options then I recommend the Anxiety Lie product, which seems to be mainly not mumbo-jumbo at least. You can explore this option further on my blog.
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Social Anxiety Treatment for Agoraphobia, OCD, Post Traumatic and Seperation Anxiety Seattle