This article is not about trying to sell you something but really trying to educate you on the available methods and systems for achieving your whiter smile.
The teeth will darken as we age and we simply cannot stop this from the happening as it is natures natural course for us all but like any cosmetic treatment you need to be committed in the long term as the teeth will continue to re-stain after having teeth whitening so please consider this fact.
Many articles are written about the safety of teeth whitening and there is much speculation about the safety of products and the strength of these products is acceptable but teeth whitening peroxides have been used for over twenty years in the dental profession with no known side effects or issues to the teeth and gums and like everything there will always be good and bad products.
When we talk about the options here is the list
By using a good quality paste particularly a gritty type will help keep the enamel in top shape and prevent the teeth from getting heavily stained. Sometimes it is not good to overuse these as they can be quite abrasive for the teeth.
A whitening mouthwash can be useful to have in the cupboard and be used to keep the teeth bright. They are never going to whiten the teeth in the same way as a dedicated whitening product because they are not on the teeth long enough to penetrate in to the enamel to whiten.
The trays are a cost effective and easy way to whiten the teeth but they have a couple of drawbacks. One of these is that they are not that comfortable to wear for an hour at t a time and the second reason is that after a few minutes saliva will dilute the gel and minimise the potential to whiten the teeth.
Crest are the biggest company offering this product and they have generally a good reputation for whitening the teeth. They do however take quite a while to work so don't use them once or twice and expect instant white teeth.
Bleaching trays
These work very well but you need to be disciplined and patient as they take fourteen days and you need to sleep in them overnight to get best results. These are typically only offered by dentists.
Laser or power whitening
This system is very quick way to whiten the teeth as the treatment time is around one hour to get best results. Uses a led or UV light to activate the gel and typically gives good results.
Dont compromise on smiling, its free! Research the best and most affordable option to whiten the teeth and keep it going otherwise the results will start to drop off.