Smart Mouth Mobile Unlimited Text And Voip Calling Proving Serious Threat To Cellular Carriers
In the current age of technology where e-mail and many other forms of electronic
communication are free of charge, Telecommunications companies are still charging as much as 15 to 20 cents to send text messages to phones, and another 15 to 20 cents to receive a reply. This is standard practice among carriers these days. I know this is tough to digest but bear with me, there is a saving grace actually three of them coming into view.
Smarter Apps, LLC has recently introduced some new applications like , Smart Mouth Mobile , Smart Mouth kids and The Smart Mobile and they are currently available for Android and iPhone as well as iPod and iPads. These breaths of fresh air have been delivered to the mainstream of end users on a global scale in the iTunes Store and Android Market as well, and by using new mobile VoIP parameters Smarter Apps has basically created a way to use your phone but not pay the high fees to do so.
Wi-Fi enabled phones, (a free feature) capitalize on strong data transmission speeds over wireless internet connections available largely for free, to deliver content to users and this works even when you have no bars on your phone indicating that you have a good data signal. This service from Smart Mouth Mobile, Smart Mouth Kids and The Smart Mobile allows users to send unlimited messages and place clear voice calls over their choice of Wi-Fi or cellular data connections at no charge! This new age of technology as you may have guessed already has started to really make cellular communications companies the world over, very nervous.
Paying telecommunications companies the above mentioned kind of money in other words is starting to look as antiquated as buying booklets of stamps at your local post office. No POP3 pun intended, or as the younger generation puts it lol.
Smarter Apps, is now offering a growing number of ways to bypass text-message charges using an Internet connection. These applications bear a small resemblance to Skype but, at the same time continue to stand a cut above because of their great core functionality, clear voice technology and albeit better user interfaces. Smart Mouth Mobile and its counterpart applications now delivers unbridled communication to people all over the world with an unbelievably great way to make calls and do so without relying on a traditional telephone lines in the least.
More than two trillion text messages are sent each year in the United States, generating more than $20 billion in revenue for the wireless industry. Verizon Wireless generates as much as $7 billion a year in revenue from texting, or about 12 percent of the total, Mr. Moffett said, and texting brings in about a third of the telecommunications total operating income.
This highly profitable service was mostly an accidental discovery for cell-phone carriers. Srinivasan Keshav, a professor at the University of Waterloo who studies mobile computing, said text messages were happened upon kind of accidental like ( insert Forrest Gump voice here) when cell-phone standards were being developed in the late 1980s.
Professor Keshav said wireless operators realized there was enough spare capacity in a special control channel on voice networks to also shuttle short messages around. They could piggyback on the phone railway, he said, which let the carriers deliver messages at close to no cost at all.
Professor Keshav estimated that it costs cellular carriers about a third of a penny to send text messages. Considering that the major carriers charge 10 to 20 cents to send and receive them, its something like a 4,090 percent markup, he stated.
Now that Smart Mouth Mobile, The Smart Mobile and Smart Mouth Kids are starting to catch on in a big way with iPhone and Android users, top analysts say, Smart Mouth Mobile could take a big bite out of the profits that the overpriced text messages at present, generate for telecommunications and wireless carriers.
Theres a lot of money at stake here and an enormous bottom line, exclaimed Craig Moffett, an analyst at Sanford Bernstein, who often does cover stories regarding the telecommunications industry. Smart Mouth Mobile and applications like it are undermining the core business model for an industry that makes most of its money from services that are overly priced and carry low bandwidth, like texting and high priced long distance charges.
Nice job Smart Mouth way to fight for the little guys!
Check out the new Smart Mouth product video.
Smart Mouth Mobile Product Video Smart Mouth Mobile Site by: Kenny Suchens
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Smart Mouth Mobile Unlimited Text And Voip Calling Proving Serious Threat To Cellular Carriers