Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: Diagnosis And Treatment
The sinus tarsi is a tiny canal that enters into the ankle beneath the tarsal bone of the foot
. Sinus Tarsi Syndrome sometimes occurs when this area of the foot becomes injured. Most individuals who suffer with this condition have experienced a past injury to their ankle, most commonly a sprain. It can also occur due to overuse or improper foot structure. Inflammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis or gout are also sometimes associated with this syndrome.
Individuals who suffer with Sinus Tarsi Syndrome usually will experience pain and tenderness on the outside area of the ankle, close to the bony protrusion. They may also have pain and discomfort while running when the foot is forced to bend, such as when turning a corner. The pain is often worse when doing activities that involve bearing weight on the foot. Another common symptom is a sense of instability while walking on surfaces that are not smooth, such as gravel and grass.
For proper diagnosis, the doctor will often examine the foot for any instability at the joint and ankle. With Sinus Tarsi Syndrome, the ankle will be unstable and loose, with pain upon palpitation. The doctor will normally require x-rays of the foot, as well as an MRI or bone scan. Oftentimes doctors will inject the area with an anesthetic for diagnosing this problem.
Other times the diagnosis is made by ruling out other possible causes, although most doctors prefer to use an MRI for proper diagnosis. This test can allow doctors to see the exact damage in the foot and the extent of it. When the diagnosis is difficult, the doctor may choose to perform arthroscopy on the ankle to see directly into the injured area.
If Sinus Tarsi Syndrome is diagnosed the doctor will usually prescribe ice therapy, as well as sufficient rest. The ice will help to reduce the inflammation and pain, and usually an over-the-counter pain analgesic/inflammatory will be sufficient for pain relief and reduction of inflammation.
For more severe cases, the doctor may order electrotherapy to help relieve the inflammation. This is often applied with ultrasound. Other treatment options for difficult cases could include oral or injection steroids as well as physical therapy and custom made foot braces.
Most cases of this condition are treated successfully with practical treatments. If the cause of this condition is due to poor interior foot structure, correcting this will usually eliminate Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. It is very rare that this condition requires surgery although when it is needed there are two different surgical procedures the surgeon can choose. One involves open surgery that is done through an incision, while the other option is done with an arthroscopy, which does not require an incision.
When surgery is done for this condition, both forms of procedures offer good results. Doctors generally prefer to use surgery after all other resources have been exhausted. Because there are other common foot problems that have similar symptoms, but require different treatments, proper diagnosis is extremely important in treating Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.
by: Robert Neufeld
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